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Just want to say hi to everyone on here and hope your all well

I have just got myself a 51 plate impreza wrx. Had it 3 days now and so far so good

Looking to give it an oil change, new spark plugs (not sure what sort) etc but to be completely honest, not sure what else would be good to change/renew. Any thoughts??

Im not great with cars....i work with computers, but i really want to learn about this car and how to keep it in really good condition.

Hope to speak to you all soon


Welcome to popping your Cherry on both ;) And to S.O.C

Not do it any harm to change the oil filter and oil and spark plug's. Might be worth doing the fuel filter as well for peace of mind. There Sooo easy to work on. I can do basic work on car's like all the above. And disc breaks and pads. But with the Spark plugs being where they are on the car I get my mate to change mine lol. But he has better tools for the job then I do.


Thanks for the reply. Good to know it wont (shouldnt) blow up when i try and do something simple like an oil change then lol

Just so many different sites that do Subaru parts etc. I have really got to narrow it down to the more trustworthy looking ones


I hate to say it but I use Fleebay for alot of stuff, if I'm not buying genuine part's I will only use Blueprint filter's. And I always ring round the motor part's shop's. I have a few near me called Unipart and Cook's. They both supply to garages. And all they do is ask for the Reg of your car and will let you know if they have it in stock. And if they do get it wrong atleast it's easy enough to take back

And no you will be fine, it wont blow up lol. its that easy I could do it at the side of the road I'm sure of it :)


Well thanks for all the hello's

Oil change done.....(smug mode)..... successful and the car is running really well now.

Just got a list of cosmetics to work through now as the previous owner wasnt great at....erm....doing anything with it. So much so the car blew a fuse the other day and the heater stopped working. Traced it back and took half the dash off to reveal what can only be described as a birds nest of thin poor grade power cables all spurred off one line. Surprised the car didnt blow up due to him tinkering badly.

It took me 4 hours to undo the work and had a pile of cable that i thew away that wasnt good enough to wire an AA Battery up let alone 8 gauges, Stereo, immobiliser and other things. I ran one 8 gauge wire straight from the Battery with an in line fuse so all is well on that front. God knows what i will find next!!


Ouch sound's like your getting stuck well into it :P . Told you the oil change was easy ;) And like you I have just been playing around with the wire's, all good fun :lol: Well least you getting it sorted now

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