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Everything posted by mfnick

  1. My drivers are pretty haggard (use them to bash holes in ceilings and all sorts) so treated myself to a new set since they're on offer. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/380171399864?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
  2. Exige makes a brill pets name!
  3. Haha that is pretty mint.
  4. Empty House + Projector = !Removed! Doesn't it? After the fapping is finished Id watch Sin City! Fecking love that movie and not one the ladies seem to like so perfect choice IMO.
  5. Haha yep, loads cheaper! Also found I could have gotten the cambelt with all idlers - not just a couple - changed with him for almost half the price I paid at ScoobyClinic too. Damn it! Oh well, live and learn eh? Thanks again for your help Ash. Im sure Martin will be thanking you too. He'll be getting a lot of business and money from me from now on :)
  6. Basically a last thing you purchased thread. Had this thread on a few forums ive been on over the years and I like being nosey so may as well have it here too eh? Post anything you've bought recently. Ill set the ball rolling. Got a new dash ornament for my work van. And a new T-Shirt
  7. Mines just over £1300 - all mods declared 7 years NCD, clean licence and im 27. Back when I was 19-20 though I had a !Removed! little 1.9 Diesel mk3 Golf. That cost me £2000 to insure - the car cost me £500 to buy so a grand for a Scoob - even a non turbo one when under 21 doesn't sound too bad to me But yea, id echo what others have said. I highly recommend Sky Insurance, been with them for 3 years now. Get a quote from places like Adrian Flux and Chris Knott too - they've always matched or beaten other quotes for me. Be sure to tell them youre a member of a online club like this or any others to get a discount too.
  8. By searching for couples having s*x on Subaru bonnets I accidentally "came" (haha get it?!) across this place. ;) If only that was true. Alas, I was on Scoobynet but as I think I mentioned when joining I just found that forum to be too big with too many members and seemingly a 1000 new posts every minute. I cant keep up with that **** so did a google search for other Subaru forums, saw this, stalked for a bit, decided I liked it and joined. :)
  9. Hey guys, thought id give you a little update on this. First of all - massive thanks to Ash for your help and advice mate! Ive taken it to Martin at 5heffield 5ubaru 5ervices today for the 2nd opinion and a major service. Cant recommend him enough. Absolutely top lad and a top job was carried out. Honestly Id highly recommend him to anyone. Also found out he's had his hands on my car before too. Back in 2005 he did a service on it when he worked for Montys Subaru in Sheff. Small world! Now onto the grind - no longer believe it to be a gearbox issue at all! :D He found the heat shield on the turbo downpipe is very loose, we believe that's all it is. He's moved it slightly (difficult access) and wedged it a bit and the grind/rattle has stopped! Its still loose and needs sorting ASAP due to it being near the steering rod which it could jam if it manages to spin itself round. Didn't have time today but itll be going back within the next couple of weeks to get done. But hopefully that's all it is. Oh and after this service, it feels awesome! Just smoother, brakes bite harder and just feels more responsive. All for a very reasonable price. Good day all round!
  10. Proper gutted I missed this. Especially since there was a AMG there, love the sound of them! But I didn't be home from work until 8:45 :( Sorry guys. Ill try my best to make sure I get to the next one. Ash - I did ring Martin today though. Hopefully getting it in next Saturday, need to ring him again next week to make the booking. Decided to get the major 60k service (its on 64k) done too since I'm changing all the oils already. It was done 4 years ago according to the previous owner (at the 70 months time) but unfortunately don't have a receipt for that, only a stamp so decided its better to be safe than sorry.
  11. Wow I didn't know the STi uk had forged internals too. That's awesome news, makes me feel a bit more comfortable about chasing extra power now. And it's a weekend car mainly so not being as useable everyday doesn't bother me too much. I agree switchable maps would be a good idea though. Ill have a chat at the meet or when I get it in for oil changes. Thanks!
  12. Awesome. Ordered! Thanks :) And Jay, yea that would be mint thanks. Have to say I'm surprised by that with SC since I've heard mostly positive things. But yea, would definitely like a 2nd opinion now. Ill get the gearbox oil changed anyway though. May as well do the diff oil while I'm at it too. :)
  13. What kind of additive would you recommend?
  14. Dental floss also works great for removing badges for future reference. Used it to remove badges on my old cars and some of my mates' Personally I prefer the Impreza with the badges but each to their own. :)
  15. Yeah that's fair enough, but which parts would you recommend upgrading? And I drove it :) I know what you're saying about being a passenger but that felt quite a bit more brutal even driving it. Haha I need that meet with Ash to happen sooner!
  16. Welcome! I do love these. I would have one in a heartbeat if I could afford it. I hear a lot of people buy them (well the GT86 anyways since these are nigh on impossible to find) but are disappointed by the lack of power and decide the idea of it was better than the reality unfortunately. Which would explaintp the low mileage re sales -that aren't dealer ones. Have to admit if I got one I'd have to supercharge it. 197bhp wasn't enough i my CTR so it certainly wouldn't be enough in one of these I don't think. But I'd want to keep the n/a style of power delivery so supercharging over turbo IMO for these. But around 250-300bhp and RWD plus those looks do it for me :) Here's one of the few I saw at JAE, looks great in the metal! Also have you seen the STi one? Looks even better. Book a test drive and see what you think and see if the lack of grunt bothers you. Can't hurt can it? :)
  17. Right, I'm thinking of upping the power a bit. 332 is all well and good but I've just got it in my head its has to be 350+. And after a ride in my mates 380bhp Evo 9 I'm wanting just that little bit more of a kick. :) First of all is it safe to have these running 350 and over on stock internals? From the research I've done there's a lot of conflicting info, what's your guys experience? And any parts I should uprate or change for new as a precaution when chasing that bit more power? Like the oil pump? Ill be getting some gauges I think to monitor boost, oil temp and pressure so I can quickly and easily see if anything isn't working quite right at that level. And lastly what's the best way of going about getting some more powwweeeerrr? As mentioned it has a 3 port boost solenoid, K&N drop in panel filter, exhaust system with down pipe de cat and ecutek ecu remap. With my civic it was as simple as bolting on some breathing mods and getting it mapped. I'm not 100% sure how to go about it on this, upping the power on turbo engines seems to be quite a different job. It'll be a while before I actually do this since I've only just got it, got some things to pay off and need to save up. But I want to start planning it, looking for and pricing parts, find out just how much it'll cost etc. Thanks in advance! :D
  18. Well, I got this checked out by the guys over at Scoobyclinic since that's where I got the cambelt done. Turns out its a gearbox bearing so nothing to do with that anyway haha! Just a bit of a coincidence. But they told me not to worry about it yet. It's quiet (he couldn't hear it at first) and only happens when labouring it a bit. Nowhere near as bad as some others they have in which are still running fine at much higher power and the cost of stripping the gearbox and sorting it (well over £1000!!!) isn't worth it while its like this. Bit gutted but hey ho. Not going to change anything really, ill just make sure to put a bit of money away for if/when it becomes a problem.
  19. Hi mate, I tried but the sound didnt pick up in the video. Ill try again when I get chance. Oh, and just done some more research on the clunking noise on the Coilovers and it seems its a very common complaint with BCs so not too worried about that now. Especially since mine isnt anywhere near as bad as some peoples from what im reading. Just worried about the grind now. Yea I'm hoping to go to that meet so ill have a word.
  20. Thanks for the advice on the brake stopper mod. Just been reading up on it and does sound very promising. Will get one of those before spending a fortune on lines, discs, pads etc. I have got used to them now but definitely don't feel as confident in them as Id like.
  21. Hi guys, after a little help please. Recently I've just noticed a metallic grinding noise when putting my foot down while under 2k revs - mainly in fourth when accelerating past 30mph. And when just lifting off completely and letting the car roll at slightly higher revs. Doesn't make it any other time and even just cruising at those revs it's fine, only when accelerating. I'm thinking it might be a heat shield but not sure. I also only noticed it a couple of days after getting the cambelt changed. Might be a coincidence but who knows. Any ideas? Also when making manoeuvres at very low speed - basically stopping at starting, say like a 3 point turn I keep hearing a odd clunking noise. Sounds like its from the rear suspension which I hear is a common fault but its had Coilovers put on it all round (was one of the things I checked on purchasing) so I'm not sure it's that. Again, any ideas please? Thanks
  22. Thanks Miggs. Yeah I've seen a couple in the metal now too. They do look absolutely fantastic. But due to the prices and he fact I really don't want to roll my arches think I might have to give them a miss. Also got quite a lot of people saying how much they liked my current ones over the weekend at JAE and from a lad at Scoobynet I got talking to while getting some work done this morning. Plus I'm co,ing round to them now too. They definitely look a lot better in the metal than the pics. Might do them a different colour though. Possibly Bronze, anthracite or gloss black. Can't decide what though. Any of you any good with photoshop ;) lol
  23. Nah, I agree. The more common something is the more I go off it. Plus it's made the price skyrocket. But those Rota's are something else. Especially in black. But I'm also not keen on rolling my arches so I'm probably not going to go with that style since they're are normally 9" wide from the ones I've seen. I've not got the cash yet anyway so will worry about that closer to the time. & Gambit, don't worry mate, Ill be taking plenty of pics ;) Are any of you lot going? Will pop over and say hello if you are.
  24. Thanks man! Im hoping its dry tomorrow, going to go for a proper drive if it is now that I'm back home and see how it handles some of my favourite roads. Then give it a good wash, polish and wax ready for JAE this weekend. :)
  25. 8th October sounds good to me, I'm in.
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