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Everything posted by mfnick

  1. http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/2300/8n63.jpg
  2. I've done that before on one of my old cars and never got them to re-seal properly so don't fancy doing it again. They kept getting condensation in after. So I'm looking to get some already done or just buy another regular set to do it to so if I have problems again I've still got a spare :).
  3. Was great meeting you guys last night. Weather held out and was a good group! Hopefully it'll keep growing. I ended up going for a couple of drinks with some mates after too, I'm knackered this morning.
  4. I think we need just as many pics documenting that as your engine build too ;)
  5. Yep thrat's the one, just turn left after seeing the mcD. Theres a massive Toys R Us there too. Can't miss it. Edit - beaten to it. Ill be there this time. Managed to get home at a reasonable time :)
  6. Mmmmm that 33 GTS-T you had was fookin' beautiful!!! Got to say I'd probably go for the GT-R, but if you've already had a GTS-T and think the Impreza is better for chucking down A&B roads then it has to be the STi. Love the headlights you have on your Impreza too. If you can't sell in the near future would you trade for standard ones ;)
  7. Me too. It's the only thing holding me back from chasing more power. To get it between 350-400bhp (the sweet spot I want), I need a new, bigger turbo. But that's going to mean more lag. Which I really don't want. Trying to find a turbo that can take me to that sweet spot while having a fast spool is looking impossible... & that's a hell of a lot of work & money to get a twin scroll set up! Think ill just get the centre de-cat and a induction kit fitted to make it as strong and responsive as possible with its current set upvand leave it there. Anyway I digress, one of the most impressive engine bays I've ever seen! And a great thread documenting the work you did. Absolute top job!
  8. Martin told me the standard sti top mount is good for 400bhp. And I know a guy over on Pistonheads who had his at 395bhp with the top mount.
  9. I'd be interested I buying some angel wax stuff for my car after seeing this thread so if you get them in the forum with possible discounts that would be ace! Did you manage to sort Martins login problem out btw Gambit?
  10. You lot are mad! The WWII games got boring as feck! CoD4 MW was absolutely fantastic. It's the game that got me into paying online properly. Sure it's gradually got worse over time but still pick them over the WWII games. I loved Bad Company 2 as well. And like I said earlier, BF3 was ok but the lower player count on consoles really didnt suit those maps at all and ruined my enjoyment of it. I'm looking forward to the XB1 version of BF4 though with the full player count.
  11. Hate bedding in new brakes. Doesn't suit my driving style at all!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mfnick


      Only 130ish miles-ish of careful braking to go lol. I'm sure people drive worse around me on purpose during these times too just so I have to brake hard at the worse time!

    3. Gambit


      :D I know what you mean. I bet then can smell the newness ;)

    4. Gambit
  12. Gutted! All expense ain't it As for the meet, I'm in!
  13. Escape Plan. Get some 80's style cheese in your life ;)
  14. Another successful job done for me. Just had all brake pads and discs changed plus had that troublesome heat shield removed! All good now! No more rattles and fingers crossed it doesn't come back but looks like it was definitely that and nothing to do with the gearbox :D
  15. Thanks for that mate! Definitely helped but still not 100%. Think I'm leaning towards anphracite after looking at loooooaaaads of pics, we'll see.
  16. Yeah, I obviously prefer not to use them and they're never as good as when you wash the car yourself but sometimes I just don't have time and it'd been 3 weeks since its last wash. Plus I struggle to get it in front of the house sometimes so when i do have the time I can't use the hose and end up having to do 100 laps with the buckets. So let them do their quick wash then it'll only take me a couple of last with the buckets to finish it off lol. Anyway like I say I've used them every so often for years and never had a problem so didnt really think anything of it. Live and learn! Just another thing to be added to the ever growing list. Although I wasn't happy with the alloys as they were anywa so would have been something I'd have done sooner or later. Would have preferred later though.
  17. Argh! Sounds like they're !Removed!! Got a reply from Miggs' mate and he thinks some kind of acid based cleaner has been used on them which i think is from when I took it to a hand car wash and its removed the finish. :( Obviously don't get receipts at places like that and it was a couple of weeks ago so don't have a leg to stand on by sounds of things. Did a quick google search and turns out I'm not the only one this has happened too. These were brand new moments before going to one: http://m.imgur.com/a/PRFeH Looks the exact same kind of problem. There's a very slim chance it could be the tyre shine stuff that's run onto them and soaked in which could be removed with some oil removing product but sounds like new alloys or a refurb are the only way to go. God Damnit! So a word of warning peeps, if you are going to a hand cleaners, make sure they don't touch your alloys. Never know what could happen. I've been using them for years and this is the first time I've had a problem...
  18. Wow! That is really surprising coming from EA! Nice one mate, that's pretty awesome. That premium thing costs abou as much as the actual game doesn't it?
  19. Haha no worries, whenever you've got chance/get your head around it. Thanks bud! :D
  20. In light of the BF4 thread there seems to be a couple of gamers here so why not have a general thread to talk about them rather than just high jacking the BF4 one all the time ;) Looks like some of us are fans of Forza too so could even set up the odd online night to race each other, take pics, generally ***** about?
  21. Boy got skillz! Could you do them darker though, a little too gold there. Similar to these in shade if poss. And any chance of the other 2 colours? Signed, 1 very grateful, demanding forum member ;)
  22. Really? I thought it was great. In fact I loved all the Avenger films apart from the Hulk one. You probably won't like the 2nd then
  23. I watched Thor 2 last night. Great film! :)
  24. As some may know I'm probably getting my alloys painted in the future. Just after a bit of help deciding on a colour. I'm wanting either anthracite grey, a dark Bronze (like on Rota's) or black. Would anyone be so kind to photoshop my wheels in each colour please?
  25. Well I've tried the chrome cleaner in a small section - did nothing. I've tried autosol - actually made it worse. Ill give clay bar a go next and ill email your mate Miggs (thing the pic might help to explain better than me nattering down the phone), doesnt matter if it takes him a bit to reply. As for getting them done in a different colour. Got a bit of good news on that. Just dropped my car off with Martin at sheff subaru services and he knows someone who does alloy powder coating - hopefully for a good price - so when I've finally got the cash I think ill definitely be doing that if this finish continue being such a pain. Just got to decide on what colour.
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