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Gambit last won the day on February 12

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About Gambit

  • Birthday February 14

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    To many to list Car's, Football, Knicker sniffing you name it.
    And Welcome to The Alzheimer's information web page. Please enter your 16 digit password....
  • Subaru Model

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  1. Hi Peter Welcome to S.O.C you're the 1st Levorg owner to post so, be we can definitely make levers section and hopefully will bring more owners to join the forum. 😁 as Jay has said feel free to post and join in until can get a levorg section up πŸ‘
  2. Hi mate welcome to S.O.C We like to look at the amount of fuel used as smiles per miles πŸ˜€ But feel free to get stuck in on the forum πŸ‘
  3. Hi welcome to the forum Sheila. And joy to the forum is always a good thing. But feel free to ask any questions our members will do our best to help 😁
  4. Gambit

    Japfest 2021

    I'll make a proper post for sign ups later but here you go guys can start getting signed up. We have gone ahead and set up your club to allow you to start making bookings for the show. Club Name: Subaru Owners Club Club Access Code: SUBaruOwnersCLUB To book tickets to come to this year's Japfest Silverstone please follow these simple instructions. 1. Club members must go to www.japfest.co.uk 2. Enter the club's access code (above) 3. Proceed to select required tickets and place order 4. Once booked, you will receive a confirmation with your tickets attached PLEASE NOTE: Your vehicle pass(es) will be sent via email no later than 3 days before the event date. They will need to be printed and brought with you to the show for scanning on entry. Once again, this year you have the choice of allowing club members to book their own tickets and passes. However, if you would prefer to make one booking for the whole club you can do this too. Your password is detailed above, it is your choice whether to distribute this to your members or not. The deadline to book club tickets is 12 noon Monday 16th August 2021, subject to space availability. Kelsey Media reserve the rights to close club booking before the advertised date. For more information on the event, please head to the Japfest website.
  5. Gambit

    Japfest 2021

    And just I posted that email just landed from them πŸ˜€
  6. Gambit

    Japfest 2021

    Still had nothing I'll give them a ring later if don't hear anything by dinner get it chased up.
  7. Gambit

    Japfest 2021

    Well I'm hoping if get a bit of luck I'll be back at shows next year be bit of a push this year 😬
  8. Hi Mike welcome to S.O.C Feel free to look around the forum and get stuck with any questions. And good luck with the search.
  9. Gambit

    Japfest 2021

    I've sent you my info in private message mate. If you need to ring can get me on that number but let me know 1st if I don't know the number I tend to ignore it 🀣🀣🀣
  10. Gambit

    Japfest 2021

    Just checked my emails I have not got one. Might have binned it though without looking πŸ˜”
  11. Gambit

    Japfest 2021

    I'll check my email mate. But we've definitely been before.
  12. Gambit

    Japfest 2021

    Nice one mate. πŸ‘
  13. Gambit

    Japfest 2021

    Once get on a pc I'll also try set up a proper post on here and I'll get it all shared on the Facebook page and group too. Hopefully get a good group going.
  14. Gambit

    Japfest 2021

    @ScoobyBlueClassicOh nice must changed it since I last did it but was about 5 years ago now 😳 I don't mind mate happy to let you sort it if you are. But I can do it if not.
  15. Welcome. Nice looking bugeye πŸ‘
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