Yep had it done over a set of cheap alloys I had , 60 quid and said tyres were shot
Come picked them up he said he was gonna get new tyres , was a youngish lad didn't think anymore of it
Few days later knock at the door a older gentleman , was his dad I sold him duff wheels as he got stopped at 6 points for 2 illegal tyres . Guy was friendly but luckily I had my laptop on and showed him the advert ,
His son had lied to him and he apologised and left
About 2 weeks later had a few emails from the lad asking for his money back , declined he offered to bring them back if I have him 20 quid petrol money
Declined saying you hit buy it now you entered the sale of goods contract
Anyway few abusive messages but laughed it off
Then ..... Small claims summons !! He tried the arbitration service but I didn't want to
Day in court come : him and his dad very smug , me on my own
4 minutes later I was out of there after showing the magistrate the advert
He tried to claim all sorts
I submitted a counter claim for wasting my time and was awarded 79 quid lol