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Everything posted by ChrisValentine

  1. I didn't even notice that I beat your time, lol. Just need some more people to post times :hint: :hint:
  2. I've got my time down to 1:24.137 Reckon I can knock another second and a half off that. I'm always beating my ghost and then screw up :P
  3. Where are they? There's a locked thread with no times, but that's it?
  4. Whoops! Thankyou for noticing that! lol. And Christ, it's close already!
  5. Top Gear Dry Track (Sober!) : 1.24:500 Subaru WRX STi Suggested Line: Off Braking: ABS Off Steering: Normal Traction & Stability Control: Off Shifting: Manual W/Clutch Damage, Fuel & Tyre Wear: Simulation Rewind: Off
  6. Haha, yeah I checked your time from the last leaderboards :P
  7. ChrisRValentine and I play Forza 6 soon to be Horizon 2 too
  8. I know, I do start at 6am and finish at 2. So 6pm is like most people's 9pm :p my excuse anyway. I only just remembered that I posted the lap... So it better not be crap! Be a man Conker, no ABS :p
  9. Just had a quick mess around in dry. Everything OFF or Simulation except Steering was set to Normal. Also using clutch. 01:27:053 :) Not tooo shabby :) Are people doing it on Free Play or Test Drive? I'm a bit drunk btw :p
  10. Ah sweet :) I'll have a look
  11. No worries, I've just added you :) I don't really do liveries, although my REG plate has mysteriously landed on all my cars
  12. Hey guys, I've finally pulled my finger out and bought and XBone! So I have Forza 6 (probably should've saved the money for my M.O.T in January instead....) BUT, hey ho. Gamertag: ChrisRValentine if you want to add me, be nice to race with some of you! Are you guys doing a leaderboard or anything? I couldn't find one, but I'm sure you did have?
  13. That was my thoughts too. I'm going to wait till next pay cheque and get CotComp to do a gearbox and diff oil change... See if there's any metal shards in the old diff oil. How much am I looking at for a new diff? Plus, looks like I'll be getting a brake upgrade if not :) Thanks guys :)
  14. Hello, I haven't been on for a while! I've just come back from a 1000 mile road trip around Scotland (pictures should be up soon) Nearly back to Blackpool I noticed a thud sound from the back as I change down into second gear? When I reverse I getting a horrible grinding sound occasionally too. Again when changing down in to second I can hear a grinding and a horrible grind / rev sound? Excuse the wonderful car noise explanations... I've taken it to CotComp and he's had a look but couldn't get the car to make the noise. He looked at my discs and said that they could probably to with replacing as the corrosion will be a lot worse inside. But again today I got the horrible thud occasionally and reversing it did the scratchy grinding sound that sounded like bad engine revs.... Any ideas?
  15. We won a lot of prices in the raffle, but then we did buy a load of tickets... One guy in our group missed out by one number nearly every time You could barely hear the speakers where we were either and our stand was basically next to it.... Over night camping would be good, plus the hangover would be gone by the time I had to drive home
  16. I was looking for you guys, (I was part of LADS ) But I couldn't find you. I walked round SOCOM a few times but didn't even realise that it was SOC right next to it! Amused me that the Aston was used as a "show car" for the cleaning and polishing products, but then didn't even make it to the final two ^_^ I wish I'd know they were doing an auction, I would've bought cash with me :( .... or just not spent what I had on Cider... I did want to buy a Samco hose too, but quickly realised I had no idea what part of the engine it was supposed to be in! Also, did anyone else get sunburnt?? OR am I just that pasty that I burn when it's overcast too??
  17. Why are you changing from white? I'm thinking of getting mine sprayed white...
  18. I can get a nice shine just using wax but yours looks like glass! I had a look on eBay and they all look rubbish or big chunky plastic. Or are they these? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130660308395?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  19. I wish I could get my car to your cleaning standard! Where did you get the mud flaps from?
  20. Great looking car :) The new brakes look much better too B)
  21. So she's finally coming together (look wise) New splitter, flushed boot and high rise spoiler. Colour coded mirrors, side skirts and rear spats :) I also had a rust problem on my rear arch, so found an import arch and had it cut and then the new piece welded in. https://www.facebook.com/swautosprayltd did the work for me, initially had colour match issues so I had to wait a few extra days. So they had the car in for 5 days in total. Due to not wanting the paint to look any different they sprayed into the rear door, rear panel on both sides to flush it through.
  22. How did you film that? Naughty boy :P
  23. Another quick addition :) Yay or nay? Before: During: After: So about 5,000 miles since January :O :D A BIG change to happen in June too... :D
  24. So slowly added a few things :) Just some vinyl light covers until I can afford the STI lights. £7.99 :) My other bulbs were misbehaving, so put some LED's in, which are a lot brighter. (Notice how I've got a bright supot just where my Turbo kicks in :P ) Forge VTA Valve. PSSSSSH!
  25. Sorry, yeah that's just for my rear drivers side.
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