Okay, managed to get a slight break with the weather and couldn't wait any longer so here we go.
Before with the lovely orange side indicators and reflectors:
Then after, with the smoked side indicators (still need clear bulbs that flash orange) and carbon wrapped reflectors:
I think they look pretty smart, much better than I thought they would look! One thing I learnt when wrapping them is that heat really is your friend, miles easier once you start giving the wrap a bit of heat. Oh yeah before I forget, put this in last night...
Much better than the other rubbish one that was in that took up half the windscreen, put up a fight as well. Left loads of sticky residue on the screen but luckily we use some bad **** cleaner at work. A quick spray of that and some good hand action ( ;) ) it came right off!
There are still more things to go on, just waiting for my brother in law to have some free time...