Just been out with the pooches to the usual evening haunt, the local posh hotel car park I posted in the photos above. Pity the cam is not great in low light, no lights in the rear car park so I may just have to do it all over again tomorrow. :D I would have done this the other day but the missus was with me and she already thinks i`m a senile delinquent.
Only a minute or so of each and you can tell when in the 2nd video I switched it back on for another run. Didn`t want to over stay as they have CCTV.
Tested the VDC out and then switched it off. With it turned on it`s !Removed! hard to get the car to loose its petticoat, but when off you can do all the fish-tailing you want. Very impressed with the handling....VDC works so well!!
I`ll post it in here if it`s ok....... if the mods need me to move it over to the Tube/Dashcam section let me know. They both start at around 3.40 ish.