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Everything posted by hardlythere

  1. You won't regret it promise you,just so such good fun to drive.Good value cars when you factor in the smiles per miles.
  2. Exactly no need for a remap just India's number one "make you go faster tyres" throw the car away and keep the JVC unit.
  3. I know she couldn't even pretend to be interested,I mean I've pretended to having some sort of interest in Dulux colour charts,curtains and cushions for 26 years you would have thought she could have put the effort in. Fuel economy wise not really had a chance to work it out its a bit early,but I do have petrol reciepts and total mileage covered for the last few months so with a bit of maths I will work it out and then I will have a bench mark for comparison.
  4. Stants,you're right having driven it for a couple of days locally just having the extra torque and having it earlier makes for a more pleasing ride. Cheers David its good to get feedback from people on the forum,I showed the dyno graphs to my wife and would you belive she wasn't interested....I know i'll never completely understand her.
  5. Yes you can and it is worth it,if anyone like myself is wondering if it would be worth having a 2.0 auto turbo mapped I can say it is. Had mine done yesterday at Surrey Rolling Road by Duncan of Racedynamix and it was a noticeable transformation,a totally different drive home. The actual figures aren't huge compared with some beasts but an an extra 27 hp at the wheels and 40 ft/lb of torque really changes the behaviour of the car,it's almost like driving a different car just so smooth. Just to say as many people are aware Duncan and Charlie of Surrey Rolling Road two straight up fellas,no axes to grind or pushing you into anything just bring your car along and we will get as much out of it as possible.
  6. I've been with Hastings for a few years now,always seem to come out well on comparison sites and my 2.0 turbo Forester was slightly cheaper than my 2.0 accord Probably means i'm getting old.
  7. Yeh I had a little shock from chips way, single scratch along rear door not really that deep and was quoted £160.
  8. Stainless steel cat back exhaust fitted today,finally.Nice flat four throb on tick over plus a lovely little rumble as you pull away and creep over 1500 rpm.My Forester actually sounds like a Subaru now.
  9. I have been speaking to Duncan at racedynamix who is highly rated by people on this forum, he sees no problem mapping my 05 2.0xt auto having done many with good results. Talking about taking the standard 175bhp to around 210 with map and exhaust, enough for me but the option to changes to turbo topping out around 240bhp. Exhaust probably sourced now, pay for the holiday and then remap time.
  10. The Forester really is great vehicle, I've had my 2.0 xt for four months now and have not regretted buying it.You get a 4wd estate car that really aren't that common on the road bags of grip and are quicker than they look(that's before you feel the urge to add a sporty exhaust and a remap). As always plenty of good advice on here about what to look for and the only thing I can add is take look at the mpg figures, get used to that sort of return on your fuel,they are not the most economical 2.0 litre about but they sure are one of the most fun to drive. Good Luck.
  11. Something else which popped up on the comparison site was the apparent market value, I can't remember the name of the site the used but they had it down as a forecourt price of between £2300 and £2795. I have just had a look on auto trader on a nationwide search and there isn't one 2.0 xt Forester on a 05 plate in that range, in fact there are only four for sale between 2500 and 3000 and the latest one of them is on 54 plate with another 30k miles on top of mine.
  12. Got my renewal notice through on Saturday for the beginning of July 'I only bought the Forester in April and the fee at the time seemed reasonable but this looked a bit hefty, so jumped on go compare and had a look at what I could get. I`m with Hastings direct but Hastings premier came up cheaper so I phoned to cancel, when I spoke to the operator she said that she would go through and check my quote and see if she could see what would cause the difference. The wife didn't`t like driving my previous car but loves the Fozzie so I stuck her on the quote, and if you believe the insurance company (?!) the old girl saved me £19 a month,crikey she does come in useful sometimes.
  13. Hi, seen your name around and wasn't sure if you were still active, not sure if you're my nearest Subaru specialist but certainly the easiest to get to from where I live and I get a nice run down the 505 to Hitchin without speed cameras. What sort of services are you offering?.
  14. Okay had my 2.0 xt auto forester 6 weeks now and still smile to myself when I get in every morning for the drive to work. As stated on other posts I bought it for its flexibility 4wd etc etc,but while I'm sitting at the lights and can feel the that pulse from the boxer engine up through the seat,I cant help but think help that maybe the exhaust note could be a little bit more like a Subaru like. I certainly don't want it to sound faster than it is but then again maybe tiny remap,you know just to free up some more torque and if possible a little more mpg would be nice. My question really is this is there any possibility for my 05 2.0 auto to benefit from any tuning available. Thanks.
  15. My kids have pretty much grown up now and we very rarely go anywhere as a five these days, but thinking back about trying to fit a double buggy and associated luggage into some of the cars we have owned probably explains my bad back. Wish foresters were available as a choice to me back in the mid nineties. But I still get plenty of use out of mine i.e. dogs, garden centres, tool carrying going to the tip and when you put your foot down can't help but get some joy.
  16. Car talk and philosophy It's all going very zen like. I understand Gambits point getting older and friends passing away, going to funerals so frequently now her indoors has decided I need to invest in a smart black overcoat.
  17. Sorry that emoti thingy was supposed to say B.
  18. I was 53 in January and bought my first Subaru really really struggle to act anywhere near it as my wife will testify, I've got so bad my daughters friends keep asking her to get me out on a Saturday night with them. The trouble is A) I'm easily led B) I think I'm 19...,that is until I look in the mirror.
  19. I have purchased a 05 plate 2.0 xt 4 weeks ago and I am very happy with it, one owner with Subaru service history mainly although a little sketchy towards the end and bodywork that shows evidence of its life in London shopping car parks but nothing serious. It does everything I want it to, easily accessible boot, comfortable, stacks of grip and although it an auto still quicker than it looks across roundabouts as I can tell by other drivers faces when they think oh I'll just jump in front of this old slow 4 wheel drive thing.
  20. Cheers guys, pretty much as I expected really just be sensible. I only asked as when I was looking to purchase my Forester I read some old trucker going on about look after your turbo and your turbo will look after you. Plus I`m sure I read on here somewhere someone being advised to ask the previous owner what he did as a shutdown .
  21. I like a wide variety of music from the rat pack to reasonably recent times,( I am quite mature in years but a downright kid mentally), anyway guitar based driving tracks, oldies. Spirit walker - The Cult That Smell - Lynyrd Skynyrd The Magnificent Seven - The Clash.
  22. Is there a recommended or general rule of thumb for switching off Subaru turbo engines, if there is, is it the same when cold or hot. Secondly I have recently read that the alternators don't kick in until the engine has warmed up,some sought of energy saving application and that to create a demand for the alternator it suggested to drive with headlamps on especially if your vehicle is doing a number of short journeys. Thanks
  23. Understand where you're coming from Mr B,and can see the point in wiring it in, but like you said don't think I will leave it in. Chris I was thinking of doing something like that last night while I was gently trying to coax the thing out with the pliers.
  24. With reference to people who drive on your bumper, I feel for you guys who drive Imprezzas or have any mod that makes your scooby sound a bit out of the ordinary, I've only had my bog standard 2.0 turbo forester for 2 weeks and there seems an endless procession of chavs who want disappear up my exhaust. I can almost hear them saying "well go on then I thought these subarus are supposed to be quick". Usually as we are driving to some country park down twisty roads and I`ve got the missus with me and two spaniels pulling faces at them through the back window. One sunshine, one day.
  25. Managed to pull it out late last night with a pair of long nose pliers and a delicate grip,it is just a snug fit and maybe if I have look at in day light I might be to make sure there`s no clips holding it in place all will be well. Cheers guys.
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