I've had several all around the 2000 era with very few issues
changed to a 2005 last year and had nothing but trouble with it
still trying to cure warning lights , humming noises , cat emissions headlight blowing bulbs oh and the clutch is in its way out !
Both front wheel bearings have been changed in last month
doesnt change note with speed just a constant drone
coast in neutral still does it
clutch in still does it
Ok next issue that has now cropped up
sounds like wheel bearing drone from front but it's not the bearings it's coming from the middle so I'm guessing that's gearbox/drive shaft issue ?
comes in about 40mph
its not a whine it's a droning noise
any ideas please ?
Final update on this as about to post the next problem!
pluhs changed , no change , cel still coming on , sometimes 40 miles sometimes 200 miles
cat it must be then
Haven't checked plugs if I'm honest , I'll get on to that , I forgot
yeh I could fit cat , have looked at eBay but no 2005 , any advice on supplier pls?
Another update
been using shell vmax or bp ultimate for couple of weeks
getting worse , engine warning light now coming on every 50 miles
cruise seems to be red herring as I've not used it to see what difference there was
giessing it's now time to look at changing the CAT
bit what if it still does it ??
Been doing lots of miles since changed sensors
still getting fault so have now run 3 tanks of vmax & bp ultimate through it.
what I have noticed is if I am motorway drivIng using cruise all seems ok unless I have to cancel cruise because of slower traffic at a hill. If I put my foot down once able to speed up it seems to trip the fault.
if I gradually build up speed then it's ok. Noticed it in A roads too, no cruise but get to a hill in 5th , put foot down and on comes the light.
might be my imagination but I've obviously been paying attention to driving conditions driving style .
this morning it came on after 66 miles of cross Yorkshire dales driving then stayed off for 250 motorway until I got to a hill on A9 and hit slow traffic going up hill.
does this make sense or indicate anything to anyone ?
Slight progress with no obvious cause !
light kept coming on (3 times since changing rear sensor)
last time yesterday was just as i was heading for petrol .
full tank of Sainsbury , reset code and would you believe 550 miles of cruise control !
filled with Morrisons petrol today - 100 miles later light back on.
sure is a mystery
Nothing positive to report sadly
25 miles and lights back on , same code
fed up pouring money down a black hole with this
guess it now means it's definitely the cat ?
Ok update
sensor changed , see pic of old one , and code cleared ,
p0420 but it says bank 1 after it , what does that mean ?
wait for 100 miles and I'll update !!
I'm just outside Perth Scotland
I've ordered one of the readers Mr B suggested to clear code.
theres a local subaru independent near me and he's reset it twice when I got front wheel bearing fixed and again the next day when the light came on.
he's of same opinion that next step is the rear sensor then cat being the cause
Don't think fuel is issue as not brand loyal
first bottle of cat clean was with low fuel level and gave it a good thrashing , second soon after was with full tank.
ill wait on gadget to clear code and change rear sensor , expensive but still cheaper than cat.
front sensor was £137
No the ultimate tankful was a while ago
so the code /check engine light will go off its self if things improve ? Thought they had to be cleared ?
think I'll try rear sensor given the front is new , chances are rear is on its way out too ?
if that doesn't sort it then I guess it means the cat is dead ?
Tried a tank of ultimate and mpg fell off a cliff !
Thing is having to keep paying to have code cleared is a right pain
I'd rather pay for a sensor have code cleared and see what happens then
any other thoughts or experiences out there ?
Yes front sensor just been changed and some of the reading I've done would suggest it's not as straight forward as being a cat fault
seems odd or maybe coincidence that the check engine comes on at 100 miles after being reset
Starting to get disheartened with my outback 2005 2.5
new front 02 sensor fitted (genuine part)
check engine codes cleared
bang on 100 miles check engine light back on
emissions beyond threshold
cleared code , bottle of cat clean and bang on 100 miles check engine is back on.
rinse and repeat !
im doing lot of motorway miles just now and really misssing cruise control
having done some reading it seems there was a cat fault at some stage that Subaru did a recall for .
it also seems that it may not actually be the cat
had anyone else had this and how did you cure it please ?
notifications aren't working on here for me so I'm not being rude if I don't reply straight away!
THanks in anticipation of enlightenment
Forgot to say it's a 2005
i had all codes cleared when they diagnosed lambda sensor and when checked after new sensor fitted there was an abs code there