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Everything posted by bazza

  1. very nice i wish i could do something like that to mine ........... thumbs up very nice .....my son said i can have my wheels dipped and get different effects have you any knowledge on this kind of thing
  2. he just walked in the room with couple of bits in his hand gaskets a magnetic sump plug new ngk spark plugs and some parts he says are at the post office waiting collection........i will put some more pics up soon so you can get idea what car looks like got little way to go but should be close by mid summer
  3. as you can see there are parts that need changing but now i will start to do so from next month jut got to have op next month and then i will begin ....as we speak my son is doing a new grill with mesh should be done in about 20 mins so will post another couple pics up and couple of the car to ...........hope you can now see pics
  4. you should be able to view the pics now
  5. still got lots to do but here goes for now http://www.kentimprezas.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=451
  6. will get some pics soon still need to tweek front bumper and replace splitter but will still put pic up as it is for now
  7. wooow justtartedcar and wooow what adifrence blew the dump valve of lol forgot to tighten it up lol sounds the dogs do das its defo not for sale now as going to do couple little bits got lots of gaskets through post my son has orderd them and he will be fitting them woow i will get a post going soon with pics...i love the way it roars chatters and the looks it now gets
  8. yes we are going bigger power bigger injectors ect ect get all parts in place then book rolling road at same time so it is all running ok
  9. im not sure bud
  10. my headlights are pretty poor can not see much at night so getting replacments only £25 as got stone chip to....i drive 1st gen impreza and wondering what bulbs i can use need to see road lol
  11. nice picks pete were was location
  12. i have every part i have removed and keep in boxes..not going to give it a face lift going to keep that part as it is diffrent be it only little but want to no has any one bought seat covers for there scooby before if so what are the fit like and quality cheers ...just thought i would ask....also i need what i think is a throttle position sensor lol dont no if that is the right part discription but its to do with tick over on cold start if i find the right discription for it i will post up.......also i get the sound of water gushing through the dash board when i start car and rev how do in resolve that.............also wanting to fit fmic with out chopping and losing the look of the bumper would like a snug fit if poss not the big square mesh on the front any one got pics mine is 1994
  13. after me making a decision to sell my scooby i have upset my son so i am now going t not sell and keep this car there does not seem to be to many of this shape (brick) around so would be a shame to let it go we are going to change couple of parts soon radiator install fmic injectors and some other parts will still put pics up soon
  14. thanx for advice been very helpful im going to refuse first offer and hope to buy the car back its mainly just the front bumper needs replacing £70 job .... we have never claimed before and the other half feels she is being treated by insurance company as she has done something wrong ..... so plan is to buy car back if possible and have little bit of cash after repair maybe.....the guy from garage came to house took 3 or 4 pics of the car on our driveway in pooring rain and gave a quote to insurance company we are still waiting for the out come and car is still on our drive way and we should no if its going to be repaired or written off should no today or tomoz keep you informed what happens
  15. any one help with this
  16. hi guys as above my partners car has been hit while it was parked.. basicly she returned to her car 02 plate corsa and found front bumper hanging down with yellow paint on it ....she spotted a yellow vauxhall mavarno van and the lady driver admitted she did it and gave insurance details ect...what i want to no is if the insurance decide to write the car of at a loss can we buy the car back ? my partner has a £310.00 excess so think they will take that then pay her what they think the car is worth it has done under 50.000 miles only second owner been told she can claim back the £310 excess as other party has admitted fault and my partner was not in the car.....we have never claimed before and just wonderd how this works if you want tobuy the car from insurance company ...depending on value been told they use a quote from a book called glasses or classes can any one tell me what the car or insurance may offer us for the corsa any help and advice greatly appreciated
  17. i will try to get some put up
  18. i have a mica black 1994 subaru impreza and i want to sell as i no longer can afford to keep it ..im looking to get around £1800 i have not put the car up for sale just yet as i have been trying to put it off but it will have a fresh 6 month tax end of this month has around 6 months tax stainless manifold and turbo up pipe turbo is td05 h mica black gold wheels with wrx mud flaps gold wrx letters sounds great runs great still got the manardi steering wheel as it has a more modern wheel on also have the original manifold and other parts to.. car is very quick has had regular oil changes no smoke looking for £1800 any Qs just ask
  19. that was naff that battery but got another lol a samson 520-54a/hr-rc 85 put it on later holding 12.2 charge at mo should be ok and found a guy with a shed load of subaru parts east kent subaru hes on ebay
  20. currently listen to
  21. just been given a battery from a forester its a good battery think its a 540 60ah would this be ok to use on my car and another one that is 600 60ah
  22. yes steve took lots of time but the result was very good i did half the bonnet first and compared both halfs and was a big diffrence after clay bar the surface was as smooth as glass well worth it and coated with maguirs polish but still not seald with wax but big big improvment link below
  23. thanx gambit was going to visit my brother but battery dead lol noticed lights dimming couple of nights back and sqeecky belt noise looked at belt and got fair bit of play o think that needs changing to
  24. the weather has picked up finally so i decided to give the car a wash with the clay bar good result im happy and gave a coat of maguirs polish my arms are killing never had time to wax but looks very very well it makes the wheels look bad very bad as you no im going to paint over them soon so should be little better
  25. looking for a battery for subaru impreza wrx 2.0 turbo 1994 anybody no the correct battery i need thanx battery not got much life left not enuff to turn over happend after two days not driving its a halfords battery got it tested local motor factors he said its naff so need new one ouch
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