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Everything posted by bazza

  1. i removed the thermostat (euro car part ) only about 3 - 4 month old and the heater only blows cold air did used to here water behind dash when turn car over but not now
  2. ok no gunk on oil filler cap or dip stick ..spark plugs are good not very old but are fine...no leaks on rad car running great no rough idle smooth even the couple hundred yards i drove was smooth not even a shake when turn over ..when i rev there is condensation out the back not a great deal but not thick it evaporates almost immediatly as i say if i add coolant it will rush up to filler cap boiling hot steam and then bubbles.....is there a test i can get and do at home think a sniff test
  3. do you think so matt ? im not sure i bleed the system im going to be honest i no i will get slated but i just opened the cap poured in coolant with engine running ..massaged top and bottom hoses on rad with cap of the espantion tank put in about 3 and half litres waited about 15 mins as it kept rising up and down bubbling hot then droping back down then rising back up again then i put cap on espantion tank drove about 200 yards temp was high..the rad is brand new first time used
  4. ok not had any luck as you no i had problem with timing that is now all done beautiful new belt pullys tensionors ...Also replaced the radiator to yesterday toping up with coolant and with in a minute it was boiling like hot steam coming out header tank really hot.... i used a blue coolant ready made... Drove a hundred and fifty yards and temp gauge was high so pulled over removed thermostat drove back home temp gauge just above the normal ...Could this be head gasket as when i rev i get condensation out the back ... i did used to here water running through the pipe behind dash when i started car up but not any more and heater only blows cold air is this any thing to do with my over heating problem .... when i start the car i can see little steam in about a minute i think it maybe were i spilt coolant on heat wrap on stainless steel manifold......could i not have bleed system properly please help
  5. lol got refund :D
  6. im in canterbury and looking for someone to do a diagnosis on my car and tell me what problem is now only 5 psi not got lot of power like before .. starts and drives but wont it resolved new belt and pullys do need a tensioner think it may of jumped teeth on the belt i have changed the belt and pully s but need help to find what is wrong
  7. need garage to repair my v1 1994 turbo im in kent and need decent garage to do the work if any recommendation put it here thank you
  8. over my budget only have £1500 and need to get either mine repaired or one fitted for my budget
  9. just canceled with deal engines told to stay away
  10. cant message for some reason my budget wont go to far £1500 my best need to get replacment fitted for that to
  11. what is bhp for ej20 turbo import 1994 compared to uk as getting engine fitted but want import like for like swapdont want complicatons
  12. anyting i need to no aS thinking like for like change over
  13. i have 1994 turbo wr import i am looking for engine replacement and wonder if a like for like is way to go rather than get complicated ....i have £1500 to get engine and fitted all in any feed back on this is welcome im looking for engine replacment for my import wr turbo 1994 i have money no problem need good reliable engine clean trouble free anyone advice me im in canterbury do i get like for like or what any advice will be nice
  14. ok £1500 for engine mine is import 1994 turbo what do you advice i get or keep like for like
  15. currently looking on ebay for replacment engine for my 1994 import wrX thought they were more than 211bhp
  16. big belt and he refuses he damaged tensioner to not got receipt yet but hope to tomorow will trading standard help me with no recipt if i tell them why i have not he blamed holiday office closed ...think it may kick off when i get there
  17. matt what do you mean sticking on properly and tightening up buddy and got to collect recipt tuesday as office closed over holiday and he was working on his own project(s) over this time ..so got feeling may kick off when i arrive i have call log were he called me and i called him.........he is saying it was a cash job and no recipt i paid a agred price for cash and wanted recipt for car history afte all it is a timing belt and new pulleys
  18. ok spoke to guy offer him to fiX the car he refused and i mentioned the trading standards he told me to go ahead and fill my boots he is not going to fiX the car .....and i should have called him when i broke down on way home ....maybe i should of but i was not in good mood ........ at one point today he denied knowing me and the car lol that he never done the job....im going to ring back tomorow ......done compression test today all three are 175 and one at 160 been told that is good compression could that mean my valves could be ok...?
  19. ok thank you ringing him in mo be back on later .....he was using auto data on laptop
  20. thankyou jay.......dont really want the guy to touch the car but if i have to give him the oppertunity to fiX it at hiS Xpence then i will have to do that but watching over him.... better ring him later offer him to fiX it or let him no i be going to trading StandardS
  21. Sure if he told me about tenSioner i would have agreed to change it if he had told me it needed changing...he haS juSt uSed force on it and you can See the damage ....So why would he let me drive knowing that ? ........muSt be Something i can do... think i need replacement cylinder head but i want my caSh back to im pi**ed
  22. ok were to Start i drove my car to a garage over the eaSter holiday friday in fact and wanted timing belt changed and timing done ......So drove car in friday guy waS waiting for me i gave him new belt and he Said it would take couple of hourS maybe three hourS i waS fine with that ..... on my return to pick car up he Said i need new pullyS So i gave him the go ahead for new pully kit and belt to be done on returning the Second day he waS telling me it iS all done i paid the caSh price we agreed on and of i went i got about 4 or 5 mileS car loSt power and made noiSe i have had a look at the belt after removing timing belt cover and belt waS very loSe and belt tenSioner lookS like it haS been hit were the pin iS SuppoSed to go when you need to releaSe it....what can i do about it ...can i get my money back for the job £390.00 he told me on phone he will inveStigate problem if it iS pully problem then it iS there fault but if it iS tenSioner then it iS wear and tear my fault .....but he haS damaged the tenSoner i no it waS fine not been marked like it iS now... pleaSe what can i do can i go to trading StandardS ? i dont no what to do think it iS valveS or piStonS alSo he uSed a diffrent belt to the one i Supplied he uSed a german one i Supplied a continental i no iS alSo german but not the one i Supplied i think the guy iS juSt hoping i go away but im not i want my money back
  23. do i have to replace the tensioner and pullies with new ones ? can i not just put a new belt on and time up ?
  24. anybody...... i need hand on help :(
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