Hi guys. I'm now at my wit's end . 2006 3.0rn auto. Car had intermittent non starting issue . If I hit the top of the gear shifter while in park and keeping the key turned in the ignition it would start . Took car to dealer who said neutral inhibitor switch which is internal as it's a 5 speed was working fine ,they diagnosed ignition switch . They replaced it and tested the start numerous times and it started . Went to pick the car up and they said the fault had just appeared again .
So I drove home and the car started first time again for about 4 days and now the problem is back again intermittently.
It seems strange that by hitting the shifter it makes the car start .
Any advise would be greatly appreciated .
Ps The dealer said that when the non start problem was there , the gearbox was saying all the right things to the ECU ,i.e when in P the gearbox told the ECU it was in park .