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JoshKB last won the day on April 7 2016

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About JoshKB

  • Birthday 02/08/1996

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  • Interests
    Shooting, Cars.... cars.... cars.... em... shooting and carss thats about it.
  • Subaru Model
    impreza 2005 wrx

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  1. this pipe has been rid of too my mate he is gonna re weld it up without the flex pipe in it. this is a toyo sport uppipe and the flex pipe is extremly weak this sytems was too fit the blobeye too as seen in my picture :)
  2. Sell me your wrx.

    1. JoshKB


      £15,000 and its yours

  3. UK roads are appawling I hate driving along one road on my daily drive I have a rally car and its horrible its that bad haha. It would be nice to see what subaru would create to rival the rs for example.
  4. I think the new rs is defintley a one of those cars which is better off someone else owning... like an evo beautiful great cars but its better if someone else owns it
  5. although i must confess I am looking foward to the day I see a one of the new rs's in public haa
  6. I would imagine the respect for other subaru owners would be world wide really cause its not just a car its a hobby to be honest.
  7. the UK Subaru family is awsome such a wide age range me and my friend both own scoobys and are 20 then you have probably a owner of every age throughout the uk and everyone treats eachother with repsect not disregarding us as kids for example.
  8. Which console? im on ps4
  9. looks like your gonna have to get an mx5 to drift now david
  10. I will be selling my standard impreza exhaust system so if anyone is intrested please concated me I will upload pics when its actually taken off of my car. I will be selling the uppipe both sections of the downpipe (2cats) mid pipe and dual tip back box looking for £200ish any offers are welcome :)
  11. @DallenWRX I highly recomend a rear wheel drive for your first car david!!! just think about what we can do to works car park
  12. @DallenWRX cars going in next week for full 3" decat turbo back system decat uppipe all new potenza tyres tracking and get my dogy air filter sorted out time to withdraw a bit of cash from my isa I think :laugh:

  13. We have a probelm with the audi a3's teenagers seem to think a 1.6 non turbo is an adequate match in reality... it probably doesnt have half of the horse power I have but I hate getting on the dual carrige way its like everyone wants to race you???
  14. im currently running hks but its rubs on the bonnet and has taken away the paint and destroyed the sound proofing/heat sheild does anyone know what other air filter that would be better? my freind has a k&n and it seems to have a much smaller diamiter than the hks mushroom filter. Im currently using sainsburys finest scouring pads to stop the bonnet being rubbed anymore but the impreza is eating through them quickly :') Thanks
  15. Im pretty sure this wasnt 100% true david as i did catch up to him but bottled speeding in a damn 30!!!!! cause im not a chav
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