Thanks, yea the wheel exactly as is, have no plans to change much about it what so ever on the outside, except maybe tint the back half windows, nor do I have any plans to effect the performance, its completely standard right now in every way, except maybe the prodrive spoiler but I would bet that was an optional addition from original manufacture, complete on all services and plan to keep that book running over any types of mods.
Only thing I have plans for is the interior, going to change the centre trim, and the stereo head set, since its still go the original head set from manufacture that is so dated it is a tape deck / CD combo with no ipod or USB input, so thats going to change, will pick up nice modern double din head set, probably leave the speakers standard have not heard it yet so not sure about the speakers but if they are swapped out it will be a straight up like for like fitting set.
Yea but then with the Stereo the entire centre dash is going to be updated, but aside from that there is nothing I want to change about it, so getting it from where it is now to where I want it should be a quick easy job.