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Everything posted by Bip

  1. Yeah, that sounds like typical head gasket issues. The head gaskets themselves are around £160 and would take 2-3days. One day to remove and strip down engine and take heads to get skimmed. Then another day once you have the heads back to assemble and put back in the car. Might roll into three days if you have any unforeseen issues. While the engine is out and apart you might want to think about what else can be done at the same time. I would recommend new timing belt and water pump if they haven't been done recently. Possibly do the crank seals and maybe even have a look at the clutch to see if that needs doing.
  2. Hi and welcome, I was in Switzerland september 2011 with a whole bunch of Legacy's. It's a beautiful country and i'm hoping to go back as soon as possible. Some amazing driving roads too. :D
  3. It might not be a total loss. If its early stages then it can be salvaged. I've quite recently changed the bottom end bearings in an '54 plate 2.0i saloon.
  4. Post up a video if you can. If it sounds serious then it probably is. :(
  5. You might have to do some research on this but I seem to remember the Pin- out's on the ECU for the Crank and Cam position sensors are swapped on the later ECU. Are you running your original ECU? Like i said, you would have to do a bit of research on this and it doesn't explain why it ran for 30 secs before cutting out.
  6. Sometimes they aren't 100% accurate. Are you fitting a new belt? New belts will have timing marks on them, line these up with the single marks on the pulley's (obviously with the pulleys as close to the correct position as possible), fit the tensioner last and you should be good to run.
  7. Not a fan of the wheels myself but a tidy looking car and a lovely colour.
  8. That looks like the plug for the back of the power steering pump.
  9. Have you got a spare MAF you could try? They usually give a CEL when they go but it's worth checking. Sounds like you have checked everything else.
  10. Does it have 'hill hold'? A couple of my old legacy's had a hill hold function, but I don't know if Impreza's ever had that option. could it be that malfunctioning?
  11. Originally I would have never gone for bright wheels of any colour, I love darker colours. But I bought my wheels cheap because they are bright with the intention of refurbishing them in black. But before I did, I fitted them to my car just to make sure they would clear my brakes and they were straight. After a few days the colour really grew on me and now I love my bright orange wheels. B)
  12. Yeah that's always a worry with any older car. But we always take many spare parts and a lot of tools.
  13. Hi all, my name is Tom and I have been a member on UKLegacy.com for some years now. My friend (AdamH) told me about this forum so I thought I would drop in and say hi. I have owned 7 Legacies over the past 8 years including: '94 BG7A GLX '98 BD9C 4cam Lux '94 BD5A RS '96 BG5A GT '98 BG5B GT-B '97 BG5C GT-B Limited '97 BD5C RS (Current car) Heres a few pics of some of the cars including the car I currently own. First up is my '94 BD5A RS how it looked just before I sold it. Next is my '96 BG5A GT, again how it looked when I sold it. And this is my current pride and joy. A '97 BD5C RS In the time I've been a member of UKLegacy.com I have made many friends who I have been on a number of trips with. First trip was to the Nurburgring in 2010. Next trip was a long one. In 2011 we were very ambitious and travelled around europe. This was named the 'Epic Run' On the sticker you can see a few of the places we visited. Then last year, we had a trip up to Scotland in search of some amazing driving roads. That's all for now. Just saying hi.
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