i have decided i am going to spray the car satin black, i know this isnt every-ones taste but i like the idea, what i want an opinion on is weather or not to do a white, grey and black Union Jack on the roof???? well i set about doing the brakes at 10:30, only just finished now thanks to 1 stuck piston in the passenger side calipar, once i got it freed and i was cleaning it up i made the mistake of not slackening the bleed screw off and as i pushed it back in i pushed the other piston straight out and ended up with brake fluid everywhere lol. 1 scary brakeless drive later i had some more Dot4 and a quick bleed (and burnt hand) later and all is well again, no vibration and the caliper isnt sticking anymore so i am a well happy little mario. oh and i swapped the passenger side headlight out for a one that wasnt broken, the original one had 2 broken mounting points out of 3 so was amazed it was even staying on lol.