yeah think i will just keep it as i am keeping the stock bonnet, yes Gambit the Intercooler has indeed be moved to the front as the stock watercooled top mount was removered as the water pump for it had failed, so my mate removed it and fitted a medium sived FMIC behind the grill and in front of the radiator, i'm not 100% happy with the pipe work but i will see how much extra space i have once i have fitted a cone filter and removed whats not needed.
like i have said, its a great base for a good project.
oh another thing, its running the stock re-circ valve due to the fact that when my mate fitted the Forge DV it huntted on idle, you could see the DV opening and closeing. it would do this for abot 5-10secs and then settle out, i even saw it doing this, we thought faulty DV so he bought another DV and that did the same although that was a re-circ typ and he had it venting to atmosphere. take the DV off and re-fit the stock Re-Circ and all is fine again, any ideas???