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Everything posted by Gazza1379

  1. so just went to change my gear knob and found this, looks like the end has snapped off and they've glued it back on, the end bit is glued into the gearknob, do i need a new gear stick
  2. cheers for that, just ordered some new plugs so will give that a go
  3. cheers for the help guys, gonna have to find out what it is before i start changing things, would upgrading the spark plugs to performance one's make any difference? there just the normal cheap one's that were put in when it was serviced a few months back , read on another site about someone losing power so they upgraded there plugs and it solved the problem
  4. i checked the codes and nothing came up, spark plugs were changed around 6 weeks ago so wouldn't think it would be them, i do have a boost gauge but haven't noticed anything wrong there, will definetly get it sorted before i start changing things, decided to go for the vf35 after having a look around, what does it mean when it says 16g or 20g, would it be a straight swap with mine or would i need to modify a few things to get it in
  5. ok will do, while iv'e got you here iv'e got a quick question since you obviously know your stuff, had a power problem for a few weeks now which seems to be getting worse, put your foot down in 3rd gear and as soon as it hit 3k revs it felt like someone was pressing the brake, i know the power is there but can feel it holding back, hard to explain but its as if you put your foot down and there's 50 people grabbing your rear bumper pulling you back lol, it's now doing it in 1st 2nd and 3rd, was told coil packs but had them checked and there all fine, any idea's
  6. ok i'll have a look around for second hand turbo and injectors, thanks for the help again.
  7. so just had a look at mine, it's a TD04 20g. what would you do if you was me and was aiming for over 300bhp
  8. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Turbocharger-For-Subaru-WRX-STI-TD05-20g-Turbo-Turbolader-IMPREZA-EJ20-EJ25/161986579250?hash=item25b7270b32:g:fGgAAOSwKMxbRswi should i be looking for something like this, seems very cheap to other turbo's iv'e looked at, cheers
  9. ok i'll have a look in the week just to double check what iv'e got, thanks for all the help much appreciated, i'll speak to you in the week
  10. Yes I definetly want to break the 300hp mark that's my target, what turbo would you recommend and is it just a straight swap or is it more complicated, cheers
  11. hi guys i have a 2003 impreza wrx prodrive, current mods are cosworth air filter, raptor backbox, afterburner bore section and decat up-pipe. im looking to get decat downpipe and uprated fuel pump this week, so my question is would i need a remap as soon as i get these 2 bits fitted and secondly is there any other mods i should get before a remap, cheers
  12. So installed sub amp and wiring kit but not getting any sound, as far as I know all the wires are where they should be, ive tested the sub and amp in another and work fine so I know it's not that, have tried to ground it in other places but still no luck, I know power is getting to the amp as I used a electric tester and there's power there. Hoping someone can see something that I can't because I'm struggling to find the problem. Cheers
  13. im about to install a wiring kit to power an amp and sub, just want to know when i disconnect the battery will it do anything to the immobiliser, iv'e read the instructions and there's a warning saying it may cause the vehicle alarm or immobiliser to reset, any help appreciated thanks. it's a 2003 impreza wrx
  14. full throttle and the only mod is the prodrive kit
  15. no clutch hasn't been changed this year and it does it whether it's warm or cold
  16. i have a 2003 impreza wrx prodrive, when im in 3rd gear and get to to 4k revs the car starts to judder back and forth. it's like someone is tapping on the break,only does it in 3rd and over 4k revs, would appreciate any help
  17. need help guys, i have a 2003 wrx and last few days car has been overheating badly with coolant being used withing a matter of hours, though it might be a headgasket gone but there's no bubbles in the radiator or coolant overflow tank,oil looks fine aswell it doesn't have that milky look to it, would appreciate any help or suggestions, thanks
  18. was on compare the market,best quote was 1st central and gave me same price for the wrx and sti
  19. hi guys, just been looking at insurance quotes for wrx's and sti's but cant figure something out,an 05 wrx was £722 full comp and then did sti with exact same details and it was exatly the same at £722,surely an sti would cost more to insure?? why are they identical prices
  20. yeah was worried about running costs more than anything but now ive got a better idea of what its like having a scooby,got my heart set on a 05 sti so will try and find people that have got one and see what they say,thanks for the help guys
  21. 28 and pay £400 a year for the st,had a quote of £700 for a sti
  22. cheers for the help,had a 106 gti and got a fiesta st at the moment but always wanted a scooby and now i can afford one, just wanted to get some ideas on prices before i got one since its a big upgrade from what ive got
  23. Hi guys im looking to buy my first impreza later this year and was looking for some help with running costs,tax,parts and anything money wise. looking at a 05 impreza wrx sti and advice would be appreciated,thanks
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