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ludey dudey

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  1. Hey peeps, need to order some discs & pads for the rear but there seems to be 2 types... one thats like a split pad with 2 friction plates & a smaller one with only one friction plate. its a 2005 blobeye ppp. standard brakes not upgraded. anyone know why theres 2 types coming up for my car & which ones i would need? thanks
  2. Hi, hoping you could clear up some oil related confusion please... i have a 2005 wrx ppp & cant get a difinative answer as when to check my oil level. some say when cold before start some say at operation temp... my dip stick has low/full & a notch cut out about 1cm above full. im under the impression the notch is the hot line so when engine is warm it should be there & the full line (F) is for when its cold? is anyone able to confirm if this is correct or if its done differently - cheers
  3. hey peeps, ive got a full prodrive system on my car & need a new centre section fitting, ive found one i like the look of http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Milltek-Impreza-Turbo-2-0-WRX-STi-Exhaust-Stainless-Centre-Link-Pipe-MSSUB114/330459588569?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 but am getting confusing answers when it comes to gaskets etc, ive been told on the back box end il be fine with a 2.5inch gaset but on the cat end i need a crushable gasket? anyone able to clearthis up for me please.. thanks
  4. Probably a stupid question so take it easy on me... i believe i currently have some random 5w30 in my 2005 wrx ppp however on advice from oilman ive ordered some 5w40 to top it up from time to time - my question is: can i use the new stuff as a top up keeping the current oil in, it was changed only 10-12 weeks back at the garage & seems overboard to dump the lot. cheers
  5. looks ike ur right, thans buddy
  6. hey peeps, ive bought this belt to change on my 2005 blob wrx Multi V Drive Belt fits SUBARU 5PK875 Auxiliary Ribbed Dayco 809218140 809218250 took the car to garge to get it fitted & was told there are2 belts to change not just 1. he showed me & hes right but i dont know what i should order now as i have this one, could anyone pouint me in teright direction please. thanks
  7. thanks fr the reply Stants - much appreicated.
  8. Hey peeps ive ordered a cambelt & water pump kit & ive been advised to get some coolant as this will be flushed when its changed... im looking for a pointer on the coolant side of things please. first of all how much cooant do i need to fill the system? secondly... is the suitable for a 2005 wrx - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/Comma-Super-Longlife-Red-Concentrated-Antifreeze-Coolant-5L-SLA5L-5-Year-Life/371310592373?hlpht=true&ops=true&viphx=1&_trksid=p5197.c100068.m2280&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140211130857%26meid%3D8469accdec51472e8955af73216239b2%26pid%3D100068%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D191988066324%26clkid%3D4162803640545540644&_qi=RTM2063753 ive looked for a sticky on this but couldn't find one thanks
  9. i wish they left me 20p... id knock it off the re build cost
  10. its my daily mate, if it was down on power, smoking, knocking or running poorly id be thinking its rebuilt time but thats a big deal ofcourse & as the signs arnt there (besides the oil) im alittle stumped.
  11. yeah, i took to to the garage to get it re filled with oil & he had quite a good look for one.
  12. Its done 83k, there doesnt seem to be a oil leaks anywhere, sorry should have said that b4
  13. Hey People My 2005 blobeye wrx ppp has gone through almost 4L oil in just over 3 months.... No running issues, no smoke, no nocking noise runs good tbh but this oil consumption is not right, anyone got any ideas what could be happening? cheers
  14. Hi peeps, im after a Newage Front Electric Window Switches driver side only needed to fit a 2005 blobeye so with the mirror switch on it, have a look at the pick to see which i mean but with the mirror switch included. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Breaking-Subaru-Impreza-WRX-STI-Prodrive-Newage-Front-Electric-Window-Switches-/142181457202?hash=item211aacdd32:g:1dcAAOSwMtxXwfLw thanks
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