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Hi peeps.


I'm a tad worried about the fact that my 2.5 Outback apparently used 1.2 litres of oil during a 200 mile trip.


The oil level was spot on before we left but when I checked the oil three days later I had to add 1.2 litres to bring it back to the proper level.


There are no signs of an oil leak nor any smoking from the exhausts.


Is there a common issue with Scooby engines using oil?

I'm suspecting it may be a problem with the rings?


Compression is good on all pots and it runs like a sewing machine.


Any ideas gratefully received.






Hi there,it would be highly unusual for it to use that amount and not either have oil underneath or burning from exhaust or out of.


I will throw a guess in here,maybe not dipped correct in a way that dip stick may not have been seated fully.


Daft as it sounds,it happened to me on my gear box oil,thought it was a little low,topped up a tad to find a bit over........


Dip stick would seat another few mm lower by moving around and a little force down.


Only a thought,have you had an oil change recently......?


Other than that keep an eye on it,mine was a little low after a subaru service,topped up and find it does use oil,but talking 100-200ml every 1000 miles(yes around 1/2 a mug tops) every 3 months give/take.


No oil on the undertray or any where else underneath.

Everything is bone dry with no weeps etc.

The dipstick was fully seated when I checked the levels.

Where can I find the PCV valve and how do I test/check it?

I did give the motor some stick at times (5K+ rpm) but surely it should be able to take that?

Oil was changed eight months ago and has been spot on level wise until now.

I did use a fully synth as I got it cheap. I have heard that synth oils can get past the rings easier than dino oil?

Engine has done 103k miles with regular servicing.

Since then I have done another 150 miles at more sedate speeds and the oil level has not moved.

There are no sounds of piston slap at start up or when hot.



The pcv valve is in different locations depending on model/year. When you access/remove it (the black tubing needs to come off, then unscrew the valve from the manifold) the valve should rattle when shaken. Clean if necessary using a squirt of WD40 or suitable degreaser and reinsert; or replace.

I'll try and attach a couple of photos, need to check if either resembles your motor.




Cheers the second photo looks like mine.

I'll pull the PCV valve out and give it a clean.

Never even knew they could get blocked or should be checked regularly.

Also been doing some homework on youtube so feeling much more confident about things.


The crank case valve only vents the blow by gasses back into the system, there's no way you'd get a liter past it without it throwing a cel. If there was that much venting it means it's blowing by the rings, but if you've got no blue smoke it can't be.


I can never get a proper reading on my scoob , lol if I face it uphill it reads more oil lol


If you hadn't checked the oil for 8 months and have driven the car almost daily before to 200 miles it is a good chance it's just used that amount over that period of time. I find I have to give mine a top up before I come round to oil and filter change again as they do use a lot of oil. But I drive mine daily sometimes giving it some.  

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