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So iv owned my first scooby for 8 days now but it's not just the looks / the way it rids or handles or even that flat four burble that they are renowned for. That make them so loved by many but it has to be  the community that goes with them as well that make them special to.

I had the chance to take her out this weekend and every single person that  I came across driving there scooby eaither flashed me or waved I haven't had that since way back when with my fto. And then there this community on here to everyone has been welcoming and any questions iv had has been answered. So to sum up then  owning any of scooby  is awesome and expensive all tho not as expensive as having a better haf and the scooby dosent answer back to lol 

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What you got. Had my WRX blob for almost a year after waiting 15 years. Was the wait worth it.......oh yeah! Couldn't agree more with all your comments. I'm still a scooby Newby. Had tons of advice and help from people here

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I 2nd that. This community is the best by far. So much help and advice. No matter how dumb the question lol

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Hi phila 67 got a wrx sportwagon on a 52 plate she's needs some tlc like a good severice and a good t cut but ye I'm in love lol. Ye I agree total lev1982 only be a member for a week or just over but everyone been at top of there game any questions been answered no matter how stupid it's all way's good to know that you have a good bunch of lads behind you ready to help if needed 


Glad you've all enjoyed it 😊 I've had mine just over a year and the flashing never gets old. Just don't ask gambit to flash you. Nothing beats the feeling walking out in the morning and seeing a scoob parked up. Along comes that smug feeling "oh yeah! That's mine". Then you start attending meets and shows. It's a whole different feeling sat in traffic caused by 120 Subarus...


I've had a good little group with me down south in Kent. All top bananas. They even came to my wedding 😏



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That looks awesome I can't even imagine what all those scooby most of sounded like. Must admit been to a few car showes but never a car meet that's something that I hope to change this year tho 


Welcome to the club I, ve had my bug eye wrx sportswagon nearly 3 years after always wanting a scooby and like you say it's not just the car but everything that goes with it,makes you feel special every time you get in it?am I right is that another sportswagon you're  in 😊


Ye she is indeed got her last Monday 52 plate wrx sportwagon she needs a little tlc like a good severice and some new disc's and pads. But apart from that she's good I hope lol. I don't think il ever get bored of that flat four burble your dead right as soon as I heair it you just know your in something special 


Glad it's another wagon 😊I put a album of photos of want it have done to mine so far in the gallery section only did it on Monday under scooby1972 if you want a look your opinion would be much appreciated cheers Phil 😊


I'm sorry Phil but get ready for some serious brown  tongue time lol  she is properly smart I had to look twice on the reg to make shore it was 52 same year as mine.

But I can't belive the difference in was wondering if it would be worth me doing mine up fully or to maybe go for a new one as mine needs a little tlc but having seen your's  on the same year I'm inspired now to just dig in and spend the 12 -24 months and give her the fully attention she needs. 

A special as you have dun a few things that iv been thinking of doing for one how easy is it to remove the air vents in the bonnet for a bigger sti type. Doe's it pop out or is it a hole new bonnet as I'm thinking of replacing mine and getting a roof scoop to. And the other was taking off the bar's on the roof bar's and smoothing them over.

All in all mate she's a smart motor well dun 

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On 27 January 2016 at 6:06 AM, Scoobyghost said:

Glad you've all enjoyed it 😊 I've had mine just over a year and the flashing never gets old. Just don't ask gambit to flash you. Nothing beats the feeling walking out in the morning and seeing a scoob parked up. Along comes that smug feeling "oh yeah! That's mine". Then you start attending meets and shows. It's a whole different feeling sat in traffic caused by 120 Subarus...


I've had a good little group with me down south in Kent. All top bananas. They even came to my wedding 😏



Welcome, good motor and yes we all love the YEAH BABY THATS MY TOY!!! Meet cruises or a drive out is ALWAYS a great feeling....

Scooby ghost, you've got my car in the second pic the Silver Classic WRX STI..... :biggrin: funny thing was the one that's 2 in front of me with the blue mud guards had sold it a few days before and was taking out with his girl friend for the last Scooby meet, when we arrived in Brighton we went in the Marina car park and he went at a bad angle and to quick which caused his splitter and bumper to rip off the car!!! Oops !!!! @Scoobyghost 


Hi Darren glad you like what I have done...when I was looking at getting a scooby I looked at newer ones hawkeyes hatchbacks and but after driving the bug eye it just felt more like I thought a scooby would, my opinion is make the one you,ve got unique to you and you will get more pleasure than a newer one that needs nothing doing..and bug eyes are going up in value all older scoobys are as eventually there won't be many left as at the min people are breaking nice cars as they can make more money ..yours looks a great car keep hold of her!regarding the bonnet scoop it just unbolts of the bonnet and has a under tray I got a sti replica of eBay £60 fits great did need a bit of preparation before painting ie high build primer  for a nice flat finish but let's more air in and looks mean as hell when sat in the drivers seat.I derailed my roof  had to get roof trims from Japan as there wagons don't have rails cost £180 for two bits of plastic but looks so much sportier..your idea of filling over would look good as well you could then wrap the roof or paint it a offset colour ,I wanted a roof scoop but other half talked me out of it but they look cool obviously you do need  to cut a hole in the roof which also put me of a bit but hey no pain no gain😀First job I would advise is unless you no its been done get the cambelt done not worth risking then some good 5/40 fully synthetic oil and a black genuine subaru  oil filter of flea bay then you can relax and plan your other mods !any time I can help if I can let me no and there are a lot more knowledgeable people than me on here as well so you never get stuck cheers Phil😁


Thanks scoobyghost il give them a check out as I'm in need of discs and pads so they might come on handy. 

Thanks il keep that in mind  Phi thrte will probably be plenty of stupid question to be had lol.  shed had belts and pumps dun last month by the last owner and I got her in for a oil change all most right away. She's new disc's and pads and a service. And them il be looking to start iv got a basic idea of what I won't her to look and go like. The trouble is once I start I get the old tunnel vision think untill it's how I won't it.

I'm up by the east coast just down from Scarborough were would you recommend getting her seen to that will see her right obviously I don't were everyone live but I think I'm going to need to travel to find a good place 


Hi everyone also new ish to the scooby world. Yes it is nice to get a nod of a flash from fellow scoob drivers its like been back in my landy lol. Everyone on here have been very helpfull. Yes it is good when you get up in morn and see it parked out side and think yes i get to drive that today.even know im having box trouble at min lol. But it dose put a huge smile on my face every time i drave it. Ive also got a wrx waggon in blue with carbon bonnet and blact roof (all been fluched) also got a Japanese kit on it i love the fact im probably never guna see one the same as mine.


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Well to the group everyone on here has been excellent only know a few so far but there all a set of good lads ready to help when needed. Me and scooby 1972 both have wagons il be getting some pics on soon Ince she's had a t cut and a Polish. Hope you get your problem sorted pal 

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