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Anyone had their XV Aircon regassed?

My wife needs hers doing, our dealers have quoted £175 + VAT to regas it. Apparently hers (and mine) uses the new refrigerant gas R1234YF and it's expensive, it seems VERY expensive, all new or recent cars are switching to it so soon all Aircon services and regas will be this sort of cost.

if anyone has had their XV or other car done and cab get it cheaper than this, I'm on the Midlands or if there's a Subaru chap on here that can do it cheaper I'd love to hear from you. Please message me.

Thanks DC


They don't do the gas I need for that price, also contacted another supplier who "claimed" they could do this gas for £60 but when I contacted them they quoted £225!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds very expensive too me. Even if the gas is special, I can't believe it would drive the price up that much. Then again, I have been wrong before..

17 hours ago, marcothio said:

Sounds very expensive too me. Even if the gas is special, I can't believe it would drive the price up that much. Then again, I have been wrong before..

Its not special gas, all cars built since 2013 will have this gas, it's just much more expensive. 

I lookedat buying the gas direct from the supplier and even then it works out about £80 cost for the 500g is need. Be aware that your Aircon regas is going to sting from now on.

cheapest quote I've had was £175, amazingly that was from a main dealer.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well the Aircon regas saga rumbles on, spoke to a specialist airconditioning company. They have said that if the Aircon compressor is making a noise, then there is no way I should regas the system if there's no cold air coming from the vents as this means there's a leak in the system, probably from the compressor or condenser. 


Boo, sounds about right mine still takes r232 or what ever it's called so I'm looking at a small fortune to get it up and running again,

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That gas is ok? It's the new R1234YF that is causing the problems.

I think my dealers are trying to get out of paying for the gas. The car has been in and they accept the compressor is noisy and that there is clearly a fault. By my reckoning if that's the case then when they change it they should put new gas in it as part of the repair. Otherwise it's a bit like replacing a water pump under warranty then charging me for the antifreeze.

They want to do a pressure test, and I can't get out of them why. If the compressor or something is leaking out gas, which it clearly is, why should I be paying for another test to confirm something else I haven't complained about.

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This the same place that messed you around with the seat ?

I may be getting confused with my gasses, one was banned a while back (freon) ? Or something loads of nasty stuff in it and I was told I'd need a complete seal change etc and re gas to make it work again

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Well, not been getting satisfactory answers from the main dealer so now I'm onto Subaru UK see if I can get the sorted

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Yes stants same dealer as the seat and the same one that wasn't actually servicing the car when you took it in. Looks like another move unless they pull their finger out. To be fair though the problems from before were a different bunch of people

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Update, Subaru UK have contacted the dealer and basically told them to sort it out, the car is going in to have the Aircon tested any defective bits replaced and regassed as required, the system integrity checked and tested and then the system regassed. Subaru UK say (as I have been for ages) that the fault within the system is a warranty claim and as such any ancillaries damaged or lost as a result of that repair are covered under the warranty claim, much in the same was as if you oil pump broke you wouldn't be expected to replace the engine oil yourself.

Subaru UK seem to be far more helpful and willing than dealers have been, they're a good place to go to if you're struggling with a dealership.

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Good news ! Hopefully the dealer won't drag their heels

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glad your on your way to getting all sorted :-)

your dealer sounds very bad, glad Subaru stepped and are making things right :-)

my dealer K T Green Ltd | New & Used Subaru Dealer Leeds  have been great to be fair, nothing but praise

when I noticed my sunroof rubber seal was starting to crack and split, I took it in and the guy came and took a look. that don't look good he said I will ring Subaru and let you know, 3 hours later he rang me back and told me they were replacing the whole sunroof panel which they did.

its good when you get a dealer that is good and cares this should be the norm...



Bit of a drive for dog though, agreed good dealer and excellent at getting bits for me even though mines an import

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Well we're considering shifting to the Telford Dealership unless they pull their finger out and convince us otherwise. What with them not doing services, messing about with my seat and now this Aircon issue. I'm starting to think we've run our course with them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No, it's just the the motor industry have been forced by Europe to use a new gas. Instead of it being about £50 to regas the system it now will cost about £200.

the only known issues I am aware of on later model XVs are clutch judder when pulling away and a clunky gear change between one and two on the manuals.


To be fair mine isn't too bad, wife's is a bit worse. Mine barely judders as well so I might just have been lucky. But I know a lot are a bit notchy between the first two. I think the best way to describe it is a bit agricultural [emoji6]. But in fairness you don't use that gear change much

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4 hours ago, Dogconker said:

No, it's just the the motor industry have been forced by Europe to use a new gas. Instead of it being about £50 to regas the system it now will cost about £200.

the only known issues I am aware of on later model XVs are clutch judder when pulling away and a clunky gear change between one and two on the manuals.

Thanks. I'm due to get my car tomorrow - a 2013 model - should that re-gassing already have been done?


All you can do is turn on the Aircon set to coldest setting on full fan and run it, if it blows nice and cold it's probably OK. My wife's car has had a problem with the Aircon pump we think which may be what's caused the loss of gas.

 Cars will lose upto 15% per year naturally do you can expect to replace the gas every 4/5 years, though some lose it at a much slower rate than that so its not a definite period of time, some cars never have the system regassed. It's a bit of a lottery. Mine is a 2014 model but 2013 registered (only Subaru could something like that) but my Aircon is fine.

a mobile Aircon specialist can do it all including a system check for about £200

  • 2 weeks later...

Aircon is poor in my 2013 'new' purchase - blows cool at best, not cold. This after 22,000 miles. Dealer says the gas has been 'ordered' - delivery mid-June (seems a long delay to me)  I'm wondering now if the system has a leak...

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