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Yeah that's a lot  :o

I would give our insurance a try via Adrian Flux you should get a 15% Discount I believe for being a club member. And the other one I would also recommend was Green light insurance both Adrian and Greenlight gave me good quotes Greenlight was better but I stayed put with the NFU as there was about £28 in it for me. 

Our Insurance


ring them up and tell them you have found it cheaper :), also start of the month and towards the end are the best as people have targets to meet :)

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If flux seem too high try sky insurance then play them off each other.

How many miles do you do a year ? Try working it out, may be that you do loads under the 10k most people estimate so will be able to reduce the premium by agreeing to a lower limit ?


I put down that I do 7k a year which I probably dont even do that, ill have to have a ring around insurances at the end of the month see if I can get it any cheaper, does insurance go down when you turn 21 or is that asking too much?


If you get a gauranteed limitage mileage policy it should come down. May have to give them an odometer reading at the start, seeing that your under 21 and it's a grand i'd say that's not too bad. I once got quoted 3k on a 205gti at 23 ! Have you tried putting your folks on to see if ut goes down ?


I might have to have a look into all that, see how I can get some more money off it, 3k thats crazy! I paid under £600 for my mini so it was easy to pay the full sum, going to have to pay monthly now


Could go for the insurance that fit a Tracker to the car. My nextdoor had one, they sound like a pain to me but depends how you drive but it 

monitors everything from how you accelerate what roads you travel down to and what speed you was doing and times. To much big brother for me that, but her insurance was really cheap for having it. She's now moved and had it taken out though but it's just another option :(

Not one I would choose myself but I do like to.... Clean my injectors out from time to time :D 


Thats definatly not an option for me, I get too competative on the roads, couldnt cope with that stuck to my car, most definatly put my insurance up

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  On 10/15/2013 at 3:21 PM, dott_92 said:

Thats definatly not an option for me, I get too competative on the roads, couldnt cope with that stuck to my car, most definatly put my insurance up


What I like to hear !! :)

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as far as i know these Tracker things for insurance are only supposed to be used like a black box recorder in a plane, if you go 12 months with no accidents they don't look at the recorder, if you do have an accident say on the 11 month of having it your whole 11 months of driving is then reviewed, i found out a while back after bumping a car on ice and causing major front end damage on mine that if i repair it without a claim for MY car it doesn't affect my no claims, 20 mins after the incident i'd sourced all the repair parts of a mate who brakes just that one model of car, by the time the insurance had called me back the parts were at my feet and being fitted, i told them i didn't want an assessor out as he would just write it off and they were fine with that, the other party repaired his car via my insurance and when i came to renew they told me there was no incident recorded on my file, bonus


She was telling me they would ring her mobile if she even gave it more rev's then they thought it needed, and rang her when she was doing 44MPH in a 30 zone  :unsure:

Nice job on not needing the claim too. One of the biggest rip off's we pay for I think insurance. :)


i suppose they give you the bull of not watching you so you get it then as soon as you start the car they're on the ball and giving you grief, a bit out of order if you ask me and too much like a nanny state, ever since i found classic insurance was for any car over 15 years i have been trying to keep my cars that age or older as the insurance takes a massive drop in price when you have a classic policy


I agree it's like with all the cameras on every street corner ?

They say it's for safety what an utter load of crap. Made dogging really hard to find good spot's now :( 

  On 10/18/2013 at 6:24 PM, BoofleGem said:

 but I am 29.


A youngling you are - a very good rate you have :)


Ye, i thought it was a decent price too, my previous car a 1.6 Honda hrv was £550 for third party. I was expecting double that for the Impreza.

Sent from my Windows Phone 8S by HTC using Tapatalk


Yeah not bad rate at all. Be cheaper for us though with being over 25 like you said. :) I can't believe your Honda was that much  :wacko:


I'm 36 and pay just over 300 fully comp with 3 points and an accident a few years ago, my wife's on the policy as a second driver too and is 31, I wasn't asked about security whether it be an alarm or Tracker, some companies wouldn't touch me without a Tracker

My last car was a mk4 golf V6 4 wheel drive and that was nearly 600 a year


Mines just over £1300 - all mods declared 7 years NCD, clean licence and im 27.  


Back when I was 19-20 though I had a !Removed! little 1.9 Diesel mk3 Golf. That cost me £2000 to insure - the car cost me £500 to buy so a grand for a Scoob - even a non turbo one when under 21 doesn't sound too bad to me :lol:


But yea, id echo what others have said. I highly recommend Sky insurance, been with them for 3 years now. Get a quote from places like Adrian Flux and Chris Knott too - they've always matched or beaten other quotes for me. Be sure to tell them youre a member of a online club like this or any others to get a discount too.  

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