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Prob been done to death, the internet has brought up about 3000000 pages.

So, gonna do an interim change, rather than spending loads on a new oil i have a 3/4 bottle of 10/40 castrol mag semi synth and half a bottle of 10/40 mobil super something or other fully synth at home both fairly new, was just goning to buy a smal 1l bottle and top up either one.

Which brands do people prefer ?

I've used both in the past and been happy opinions please :-)

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They used castrol mag fully synthetic at my recent service and the car is running noticeably better. Previously had semi syn in

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As long as it JASO or API standard Im happy - fully synth for new engines, semi synth for older 


I've been reading that subaru (turbo) engines dont like castrol ? But thats just the opinon of the internet i suppose, it's on the oipe page as a suitable match. So will be interesting to see, think you cars a bit newer than mine so i'vw been told to use semi stuff ?


Beat me to it jay :-)

It's only going to be in there until service time june/july so i don't really mind as have no big trips coming up.

I'll take a trip to asda as they had the castrol on offer the other day.

Whats the deal with blue/black oil filters ? Some say black others say don't matter


Ive always used millers oil in all my cars. And i only use the black filters becuase i heard the blue ones are made by fram and can fall to bits, don't know how true.


B ought some fuchs stuff from Opie using discount code plus shipping it was cheaper than anywhere else :-)

Looking at info on changes (was assuming it was faily normal procedure) came across this

You should then reach under the alternator and undo the crank sensor, shown here (it's fairly simple to spot and access):If you have difficulty reaching it you can unbolt the alternator etc but I had no issues.Once you've topped up the oil and disconnected the sensor, crank the engine until the oil warning light goes out (cheers Simon AKA Jolly Green Monster ).The engine warning light will probably come on too but once you've restarted the car 3 times it will go out without the need to remove the fault code with a reader ?

Why would i need to do this ?


The idea is to make sure enough oil has gone around before you start the engine. But to be fair I've not done it in years  :ph34r: I just add some in the filter.


Surely with the engine having been run up to temp there will still be some oil kicking around as it wont have all drained down and with the filter pre oiled shouldn't make that much of a difference ?


I was reading the exact same thing as I did my first Scooby oil change yesterday and decided not to bother with that, it seems to be a source of 'debate' on other forums with most people saying it is pointless. Haven't seen a convincing argument as to why this needs to be done. And my car is running nicely now. And I used castoral, cheap in Costco, and all seems fine at the moment.


Haha i'm in two minds what to do, so if i'm not at meet tomorrow i've blown the botom end due to not 'dry cranking'

Ah no costco card :-( should really get one through work the pizza slices from there are tip top


I have read nothing about doing it hurting the engine or doing anything bad in anyway. If you want something just let me know and I can get it, although be quick as my membership runs out soon and im not sure I will re-new!!


Thanks for the offer, my brother has one and somone at work has too so i'm never short. I could do with a load of nappies :-D

I guess it's not really an issue, maybe for a fresh engine or one been standing for 6months i can see the upside but i'll chance it.


I guess it could be good for a new engine or a sat one but surely that would be the same for every car?


It's not done my car any harm. I find it's more discovering of fiction and truth with the internet. It's a bit like the bible or the news full of !Removed! but people believe it and spread the word. And I do mean that with the respect of others that do follow that. If I risk saying it taking your own advice or gut feeling with it and what works for you stick with it. If I was paying someone to do an oil change I might have said I want it doing that way just to be a prick :D

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