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What's your job...


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Hi all, just a topic for people if they want to discuss what they do as I know some people have a job they love and others have a job they hate.


I've been lucky enough to find something I enjoy, I work as a printing assistant at a company called Display Wizard ( www.displaywizard.co.uk ) which is a large format printing company.


Been here nearly 3 years, started off knowing nothing about this industry and I must say it got me hooked! Does have its rubbish days, like today I'm tackling double sided prints and the printer isn't playing along  :angry: . (It's not just large prints, we can do smaller ones as well, did a couple of posters for my mate and it's possible to do canvas).


Not the best thing to talk about but you never know....  :P

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Nice idea,


well i'm trained in managing hotels but after being made redundant 3 times, i decided to change my profession so 6 years ago i took a IT class and i was hooked, i now work as an IT field engineer covering the east midlands and really enjoy it, yeah it has its bad days but what job doesn't.

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For me I started off studying computers, did 4 years in college doing that. Couldn't find a job so ended up doing meals on wheels then got a bar job before this popped up. Also worked with my brother at his garage for a few months hence my big interest in cars.


So do you go around to anyone who needs support or is it just companies? I get called round to peoples houses in my village that my family know for things like "my internet has stopped working on my laptop" or "my computer is running slow".

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Done plumbing and building work since leaving school. And really started to hate it now so looking at going back to college in September to learn, 3d Graphics programming and design animation.  :blink: And if I'm really good at it I earn more money for something I think I will enjoy. Only concern is not having the fiscal side of it but along way off yet :D

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Always had an interest in anything I don't understand really. Like computers about 12 years ago I didn't even know how to turn one on now I can build them and repair them :D But always had an interest in games from the Commodore 64 to

 Consoles. :D among many other stuff I had :)

But it's not just games it leads on to. With a lot of movies using graphics now it can go that way too and I've always enjoyed movies too so it ticks all my boxes for enjoyment and interest. with an added bonus of being paid for it :D And I'm sure it will come with it's own stresses but can't be as bad as plumbing :)


One of my turning points was last year when I broke a customers £750 glass top table :D She was fine about it I bought her another one as they was on holiday at the time, she even gave me the money back for the table as well as paying me and still uses me for jobs. But I felt I'd had enough then :( 

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Yeah the options are vast with that kind of stuff, some of the best films are animated these days. Family ones especially such as Bolt and Tangled, great films although you need a kid with you so you don't look soft, I just borrow my niece  ;) .


Ouch, I can imagine that being a heart in mouth moment. Very nice of the woman to give you the money back and so on, there are a lot of people out there who wouldn't do that. My brother doesn't like being a mechanic for the same reason, if something starts to go wrong with a car even if he went nowhere near the area he gets the blame.

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She is a bone surgeon so I think she knows her money outweigh mine :D I think she took pity on me and her Husbands one of the biggest professors who goes around all of europe helping to build or sort out universities. I'm not sure what he does myself to be fair but I know he got Greeks equivalent of our Sir title :D But no shes a great woman to be fair I have a lot of respect for her and her work I've never met anyone work as hard as she does. shes on the Olympic committee turned down a job working for Newcastle united. Because she said she likes to help others I.e the NHS so gets paid less works longer hours just so she can help people :wacko: Myself I would want the best paid and lowest hours so I can enjoy it :)


Well I nearly went back to re do my Gas certificate as I don't have that at the minute after passing one then they change it to make you go back to do it again with all the red tape around everything now, I just feel the times right to jump on another train now and see where it goes  :P 

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i do help people out like friends and family where i can, but i travel around for the job i have 6 offices to look after and about 200 home users that keep my busy. the main part of my work though is the servers and network, always something to do or that can be tweeked.


main objective though it to go into wireless networking and architecture.

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I work for BSKYB

I produce the schedules for Sky Movies, basicly everything you see on screen that is not a Programme or Commercial, I put there.


It invloves using a spreadsheet type system and filling blanks lines with Idents, bumpers and Promos ect.


Not the best job in the world but its easy, pays well, 90% of the time no stress and best of all free Sky TV & Boradband.


And I can do half price offers on Sky for you guys.

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Gambit - Bone surgeon, yeah now I can see why she's not bothered about a glass table  ;) . I used to know a top spec web designer who owned an RS6, he blew the engine on it so while that was in for a rebuilt he bought a golf R32 as a run around!! Talk about splashing the cash lol. They did the same with the electrical stuff didn't they? My dad gave up working as an electrician because the regs changed. Now he's a white good engineer working for "Megan".


Matty - That's a fair amount of customers. Networking is complicated, especially when things aren't going smoothly. I'm okay at it but still find it annoying getting my Xbox NAT rating to stay Open!


Pete - Shows that there is somebody behind everything. Can't complain if it's a fairly stress free job. So can you really offer discount? That would be quite decent of you.


Not sure if it would actually help anyone but I can get people discount on stuff from Display Wizard seeing as I'm "head printer" at the place. So if you fancy getting a banner made or something let me know, I will have a word with the office to get it sorted.

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Pete - Shows that there is somebody behind everything. Can't complain if it's a fairly stress free job. So can you really offer discount? That would be quite decent of you.


The normal offer is half price for 6months.


There's a special on until the 25/3 that's offers all the sky channels for 25 months at £25.

If you are already a subscriber you will need to cancel it and reapply under a diff name ie the misuses name.

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i'm in the IT since 80s but my back ground is mechanics / electronics hence licensed radio amateur. after 6 years at Codemasters in the 20s made redundant due Guildford Studio closure and picked up to be a IT contractor again (was IT contractor before Codemasters). popped over to Australia for about 7 months due SWMBO her work and now back in the UK looking for new projects.

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Pete....isn't cancelling then reapplying a pain in the derrière and loads of hassle? We pay over 50 notes currently and would love to be able to half that for a couple of years

Sent from my iphone using Tapatalk

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I served in the army for a number of years. Loved the soldiering and the trips abroad. Hated the jobs worth muppets i had to work with. Decided it wasn't for me when I was told they wouldn't promote me, because I wouldn't bully the younger lads. Has the potential to be the best job in the world... but its full of wa*****s


Now, im in my 3rd year of uni :)

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I served in the army for a number of years. Loved the soldiering and the trips abroad. Hated the jobs worth muppets i had to work with. Decided it wasn't for me when I was told they wouldn't promote me, because I wouldn't bully the younger lads. Has the potential to be the best job in the world... but its full of wa*****s


Now, im in my 3rd year of uni :)

Regardless thank you for your service, we appreciate it even if the politicians don't.

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Agreed with Pete 

I did basic training until I broke my thumb then told to reapply in a year. Was going in as an MP I got battered I even slept on the floor one night so my bed was immaculate. Next morning still had it tossed along with the wardrobe because he found fluff on one of the feet of the bed near the wall... **** :D 

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Thanks Pete.


Its a bit sad really, most people dont give a toss what people do for the country. We should treat our servicemen/women/police/dr's/nurses/health visitors/social workers/fire fighters/public servants with a bit of respect. Instead, the majority of people are misguided by the right wing media believing all the drivel that's printed and controlled our millionaire politicians and corporate masters. But hey, I think I'm getting a little political now.


As for basic gambit, I've lost count how many nights i spent sleeping in a hole...lol, the soldiering was fun, but sadly I found the majority of lads in there are wankers. I had to work under quite a few that massively abused their position of power in attempt to secure their own position within hierarchy. Sadly to be pleasant/polite/respectful to lower ranked soldiers is seen as a weakness.

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Well I never went back mainly because of that, and the Afghanistan war broke out shortly after  and two of the blokes from my home town got gunned down by one of the uniformed Police officers over there so I always think I never made it in for a reason :D 

But I agree I think a lot of people have started to get behind the armed forces now, more so with the Lee Rigby thing. But I have my own suspicions on that if I'm honest. Government and media scaremongering. But I have been in the AE and the way people use it and abuse the staff is disgusting. 

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I'm a sparky, got into the trade as soon as I left school,

my uncle and granddad were painter and decorators (about 40 men working for them), my uncle used to buy and sell houses as well. his mates were plumbers and joiners, so he said if I became a sparky he'd set me on and pay me well. but he passed away (1991) while I was still at school :(. I still qualified as a sparky and I still feel like he's 'with me'. I've been laid off a couple of times in the last few years, but I've just gone self employed, working for a couple of different lads, could do with working a 9 day week to keep them all happy :)


massive respect to anyone in the armed forces



it's about time we stopped giving 'foreign aid' to any other country and started paying our nurses and police decent wages, and get more of them at work. surely more police out on the front line, stopping criminals, (and the courts handing out good sentences) will cut crime. look after our own soldiers with help for hero's, even paying for lifeboats, hospices and air ambulance instead of them relying on donations  (sorry if I've missed anyone)



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Bitman did you work on any top titles at codemasters?


first 4 years as network & security admin at on-line with games as; RFO, ArchLord, Lord of the Rings

last 2 years as build manager in the Guildford Studio creating the game BodyCount what became a disaster due Codemasters didn't care the ****

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I am a computer technician in a secondary school, have been for the past 10 years now. Benefits are I get 13 weeks holidays, also the only woman in a team of 5, always have been, solely responsible for the school website and design and upkeep of it, manage 2000+ users, repairing equipment, manage servers and cctv and networking. Enjoy the job and love the banter from the guys :)

Sent from my HTC One mini using Tapatalk

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My job seems very boring now  :(  lol.


Codemasters have gone a bit rubbish lately, they made DIRT and that was fantastic but then they went down an arcade route with the other ones.


Don't think the government will ever get round to giving back to the people who help us the most. Most likely when things have reached the breaking point they will realise where they have gone wrong. My mate is in the army, been in 7 years and he is leaving next year because he's fed up with it.

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