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ok were to Start i drove my car to a garage over the eaSter holiday friday in fact and wanted timing belt changed and timing done ......So drove car in friday guy waS waiting for me i gave him new belt and he Said it would take couple of hourS maybe three hourS i waS fine with that .....

on my return to pick car up he Said i need new pullyS   So i gave him the go ahead for new pully kit and belt to be done on returning the Second day he waS telling me it iS all done i paid the caSh price we agreed on and of i went i got about 4 or 5 mileS car loSt power and made noiSe i have had a look at the belt after removing timing belt cover and belt waS very loSe and belt tenSioner lookS like it haS been hit were  the pin iSuppoSed to go when you need to releaSe it....what can i do about it ...can i get my money back for the job £390.00

he told me on phone he will inveStigate problem if it iS pully problem then it iS there fault but if it iS tenSioner then it iS wear and tear my fault .....but he haS damaged the tenSoner  i no it waS fine  not been marked like it iS now...

pleaSe what can i do can i go to trading StandardS ?  i dont no what to do think it iS valveS or piSton

alSo he uSed a diffrent belt to the one i Supplied he uSed a german one i Supplied a continental i no iS alSo german but not the one i Supplied

i think the guy iS juSt hoping i go away but im not i want my money back



ouch mate tbh i would say that it sounds a little 50/50 tbh if/when i get timing belt done i always buy a full kit and change tensioners etc at the same time so i'm not too sure what to suggest but i am sure they'll be someone on here that can help a bit more


just to clarify i'm in no way saying it's your fault surely the garage where you took it should've recommended changing the tensioners at the same time as the belt but that's just my opinion


Sure if he told me about tenSioner i would have agreed to change it if he had told me it needed changing...he haS juSt uSed force on it and you can See the damage   ....So why would he let me drive knowing that ? ........muSt be Something i can do...

think i need replacement cylinder head 

but i want my caSh back to im pi**ed


Sorry to hear that Baz - stand your ground - point out the tensioner issue, by trading standards approach you have to give the supplier the opportunity to put it right in the first instance if he wont then you can take it further - bottom line you drove it there fine - albeit a little lumpy when you drove it away it failed


thankyou jay.......dont really want the guy to touch the car but if i have to give him the oppertunity to fiX it at hiS Xpence then i will have to do that but watching over him....

better ring him later offer him to fiX it or let him no i be going to trading  StandardS


Stand your ground think it comes under capability of works or something , he should have the knowledge to change it before he starts the job


ok thank you ringing him in mo be back on later .....he was using auto data on laptop


Having issues with a mates uk turbo the marks he put on to change the belt won't line up for anything , he is a mechanic by trade and has been told it's a common issue


ok  spoke to guy offer him to fiX the car he refused and i mentioned the trading standards he told me to go ahead and fill my boots he is not going to fiX the car .....and i  should have called him when i broke down on way home ....maybe i should of but i was not in good mood ........ at one point today he  denied knowing me and the car lol that he never done the job....im going to ring back tomorow  ......done compression test today all three are 175 and one at 160 been told that is good compression  could  that mean my valves could be ok...?


matt what do you mean sticking on properly and tightening up buddy and got to collect recipt tuesday as office closed over holiday and he was working on his own project(s) over this time ..so got feeling may kick off when i arrive

i have call log were he called me and i called him.........he isaying it was a cash job and no recipt i paid a  agred price for cash and wanted recipt for car history afte all it is a timing belt and new pulleys


Sounds like timing it out , they are massive belts unless something had obviously failed


big belt and he refuses he damaged tensioner to not got receipt yet but hope to tomorow will trading standard help me with no recipt if i tell them why i have not he blamed holiday office closed ...think it may kick off when i get there


currently looking on eBay for replacment engine for my 1994 import wrX  thought they were more than 211bhp


Stand your ground, do not let them bully you into anything. Get the receipt if you can although you have some proof that the work was carried out there in terms of phone calls. Do not make any more agreements verbally make them write everything down (if handwritten get a signature and Name, or even better through email) this way they can't deny what has happened. You have to give them the opportunity to fix the car for no extra cost as they damaged the vehicle, while proving this is a challenge it is doable as everything was fine till they touched it and now there is visible damage, get photos of the damage with a time stamp on it. Then contact them and see what they say, if they refuse call other garages and get written quotes to fix the issue. Send a copy of these quotes with a letter to the garage saying you are going to be billing them the average of the quotes for the work carried out. They have to pay this if they damaged the car. Also make a complaint to the standards agency in the local area. This all covered in the Supply of goods and services act of 1982 (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1982/29) however a simplified version of your rights can be found at (http://www.tradingstandards.gov.uk/cgi-bin/brighton-hove/con1item.cgi?file=*ADV0046-1011.txt) Always worth quoting from the actual act so they understand that you know your rights and you are not the average idiot who will get steamrolled.


The most important thing is to get everything in writing, refuse to accept oral offers until written. If they refuse to write anything down leave and go to other garages.


The above is all from a legal point of view.


The other thing to do is name and shame the business in every public place you can, forums, advice sites and anywhere else you can think of. When doing this write the review with a calm perspective and perfect grammar and spelling so you don't come off sounding like an angry customer but as a calm and civilized person with a reasonable review. This often makes a difference very quickly as it directly affects their business. If they have a facebook page also comment on the there. Just get it out there really.


It is a !Removed! situation which unfortunately happens a lot. What people should learn from this is that take photo's of anything before the work is carried out, and get a written agreement before undergoing any work, while verbal contracts are still legally binding it is harder to prove them. And I'm in no way having a go at you, its not your fault as you shouldn't have this happen and you shouldn't have to take photo's to prove that they broke it unfortunately that is the way with some people. I only use a garage I trust personally and thankfully they are close to me. However I understand not everyone has this so as every mother says 'its better to be safe than sorry.'


I hope it gets cleared up, just remember to be calm and collected, anger will just make it worse and get everything in writing, don't engage in a verbal argument. If they start having a go just tell them to expect to here from you in writing and you will not be getting into an argument. And send anything with a courier or recorded post so you have proof they have received it.

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good advice pommy


if you visit the garage, set your phone to voice record and put it in your shirt pocket, then at least you have a verbal recording, don't let them draw you into an argument, if you feel like you are going to lose your temper, just walk away.


put it this way, you've paid £400 and they've killed your engine. give me £400 and I can kill the next one for you too if you want  :lol:


it's their mistake, they should sort it

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Be careful about recording a conversation on private property. Tell them that you are recording it so they are aware of whats going on and then its ok but if they are unaware then I'm not sure about the legality of it (it would be ignored as evidence I believe because they could argue a right to privacy in their property or entrapment.) If they say no recording just go with the above and leave if an argument erupts. On the public street they can say no to recording all they want but you are allowed to, either voice or video is completely legal, there is no right to privacy in public.  Just make sure you make them aware of recording, like all the call centers do when they call up.

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Yeah you have to inform anyone that they are being recorded as said above it wouldn't stand as evidence. Thats why when you get arrested the police have to say anything you say blah blah.   

  • Like 1

Yeah you have to inform anyone that they are being recorded as said above it wouldn't stand as evidence. Thats why when you get arrested the police have to say anything you say blah blah.   


lol reminds me of this scene from 21 jump street...


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also contact costoms and revinue  as he has not charged you vat this his his problem and it could make it difficult for him revenge is sweet

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