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So while having a clear out i found some old car parts.


The item in question is a Stainless Ashley Exhaust off my old corsa C. i wanted a quick sale and so put it up for £45 incl postage.


One Ebayer in particular kept offering me offers, 10,12,15,25. I decided £25 + postage to which he replied he would come to pick it up from Nottingham to save on paying the £15 postage.


He comes and checks the exhaust and says it will fit his car, the money is exchanged and he is on his way.


4 hrs later i get a phone call and i am accused of selling a Corsa B exhaust, to which i reply i have never owned one EVER, and clearly pointed out that the exhaust was checked by him before the money was exchanged and he was happy with it.


several days pass.


I get bombarded by text messages now saying when will i do the exchange and give him the £25 back, i asked if he has took it to a garage to have it looked at to which he replied why should he.


At this point his threat level also gets worse, I also contacted eBay prior to this and explained that he wont leave it (true eBay fashion you need to sort it by yourself)


I now get a message with my full name and my parents names saying who would I like to go the small claims court so that he can retrieve his money that is owed, that he has done it before and is happy to do it again, He also states he knows where I Live  :o  (creeeepy)


Now im not stupid and at no way did i threaten him however i explained politely if £25 meant that much he can come and get it from me personally and if i get another message things would go further, im going to contact eBay as well and explain that basically he is trying to cause alarm distress or harassment. If it wasnt for my job i would happily tell him to take it to a small claims court as i know i would win on the grounds that he inspected the items personally before sale, i just think he now doesnt want the exhaust as his mate etc has probably offered him one.


Sorry for the rant but has anyone had any similar experience ?


I'd go and visit your local police station and speak to them, inform them that he has started threatening you etc etc.


Must be !Removed! horrible though.


tbh hes obtained my details from somewhere, which is obviously broken DPA (data protection act) along the lines, for the sake of £25 ill happily give it him back,but when ive got a face to face visit it with him ill tell him that if i got anymore messages then ill take it further.


In my 8 years on eBay i would say this is an extreme case tbh, ive had a few people whinge and leave negative feedback etc but this is really another level lol.


small claims court is more than £25 and i really dont know what he would achieve.


Im more annoyed that eBay just let it happen.


Can get most details easy enough. Never had a problem as bad as this but heard some horrors. If I'm honest I blame Facebook for allowing idiots on to the internet myself I'd be tempted to jab him on the nose when he turns up. I would double check it yourself for damage. I would maybe even just say it's damaged and not in the same state that it was sold just to wind him up. 


The thing is hes a middle aged bloke, but it did give me a good chuckle when he said that about small claims court, especially when he said he had done it before.

The biggest problem is eBay full stop, they create the issue by deciding rather than have an advisor to referee it just to let it be a free for all.


You can tell him to bugger off (or something similar) because he inspected and accepted the item, all done through eBay's policy so nothing wrong there. However for the sake of £25 I would do the same as you, offer full refund on return of the item in same condition. And if he keeps on sending aggressive messages and all this and that take it all to the police and make an harassment charge against him.


Or if you want to see something funny organize him to return it at the Sheffield meet, bet he wouldn't be as aggressive or rude surrounded by you lot!!!

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I had it once with with a Joystick for the Pc guy moaned it squeaked when you moved it to the right. Bearing in mind it works on a spring :lol: ebay refunded him out of my Paypal account and I never got the item back so even if they did they would more likely go in his favour if it had been through Paypal one of the reason I don't sell much on there now. And if I do I mark some items if I can to make sure people don't swap it for non working item and try say they want the money back, had that happen once. 


he is trying it on - sold as seen - small claims court fine - let him take you there, you know what model the part is off it was sold used but in working order he doesnt have a leg to stand on


Yep had it done over a set of cheap alloys I had , 60 quid and said tyres were shot

Come picked them up he said he was gonna get new tyres , was a youngish lad didn't think anymore of it

Few days later knock at the door a older gentleman , was his dad I sold him duff wheels as he got stopped at 6 points for 2 illegal tyres . Guy was friendly but luckily I had my laptop on and showed him the advert ,

His son had lied to him and he apologised and left

About 2 weeks later had a few emails from the lad asking for his money back , declined he offered to bring them back if I have him 20 quid petrol money

Declined saying you hit buy it now you entered the sale of goods contract

Anyway few abusive messages but laughed it off

Then ..... Small claims summons !! He tried the arbitration service but I didn't want to

Day in court come : him and his dad very smug , me on my own

4 minutes later I was out of there after showing the magistrate the advert

He tried to claim all sorts

I submitted a counter claim for wasting my time and was awarded 79 quid lol

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Yeah....I'd let the !Removed! try and take it to court....less than zero chance of success and he'd end up out of pocket

Sent from my iphone using Tapatalk


tbh for the sake of it if it would have been more fair enough but ive just give him the smug smile and handed him the cash in a crumpled ball. He may have think him the victor but tbh i get to resell the exhaust again and im going to pass the feedback onto fleabay.


Matt tbh i think thats what would happen in this case however due to an recent job application in i have alot more than my pride at stake, however i would have loved to take that to court tbh.


Too much hassle for £25 I would think. Especially with other stuff going on, and another stress to deal with even when you're clearly going to win.


I'd do it out of principle. :)


Me too mate.


Many years ago when we rented a house just after we got married, the lad we were renting off tried to withhold our bond due to the carpets being dirty. The cheeky ****** had a nerve, as we left the house in better condition than we found it. So I took him to court, won, and got a CCJ taken out against him. He refused to pay, so I found out where he worked. I then applied to have the money deducted from his salary at source, at which point he paid up instantly - and more than he'd originally had to as he now had to cover our additional costs.


Too many wankers in this world thinking they can just do what the F they like......not in my world they don't!!!


'rant ends'  :angry:  :P

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I wouldnt mind but at end of day i tried to do him a favor doing it him alot cheaper than i really wanted to sell it, i do however believe in Karma and as such hope he goes to start his car tomorrow and the engines packed in :) due to £25 of bad fuel


Might have a case like this myself coming up. My last phone stopped charging so had to buy another one off fleebay I never insure my phones :( 

Turned up yesterday turns out it's been blacklisted so now started the process of getting cash back. Funny thing is the knobs from Nottingham as well  :lol:


Luckily I've never had any trouble like this on eBay, hopefully never will!


Blacklisted phone? Sounds interesting lol!


Not the 1st time I had a little gangster from London send me threats bit like ActionMan did he got banned off eBay in the end :D 


ouch gambit my guess is it was a contract phone once upon a time and they decided to not pay the bill depending on the handset you should be able to get it unblocked with proof of purchase. it's quite a simple task just a bit risky as you don't know if it was stolen or blocked (by provider)


The check came back lost or stolen mate :( Reported it to eBay hopefully they will be able to seize the funds or hold them while the dispute is active, just a waiting game now. I'm also waiting for the threats to come through. Is it wrong that I get aroused by that  :ph34r:  :lol:


haha, do you search for these phones on purpose then? ;)

Oh definitely I rub myself against the phone whilst I read the threats before sending them it back  :ph34r: I've even bought bubble wrap off there today just to see what it get's delivered in ;) I've also decided to sell a Stalking Kit For Beginner's So far it's got six people watching it....  :ph34r:

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what a ***** :angry:


I had a similar thing about 10 years ago, I had a car Stereo for sale in local 'free ad's', I listed everything about it, a lad phoned up and asked loads of questions, his mate then brought him through to pick it up, he looked at everything, I fitted it in my car to show everything was working fine, he was happy with it, paid and left. about 3 hours later I got a phone call, the Stereo he had bought from me had a different connector to the multi disc player that he had got, I explained that he had seen it before he bought it, etc. he then got aggressive and said if I didn't give him a refund he'd set fire to our house one night (all for £40 FFS) so I said fetch it back. one quick phone call to my brother in law (he then came to ours) the lads mate turned up. brother in law gave him some advice like 'tell your chicken **** mate to find out who he's threatening BEFORE he makes threats, and if you want to play them games, bring it on'. the lad was !Removed! himself, he couldn't leave fast enough :lol:

I wonder what he said to his mate when he got back :lol: :lol: :lol:

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