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Right had words with the boss about this now we can get one but has no stand for it I was thinking maybe rig some sort of fishing pole up just for ease of moving it around. BUT!

It's £100 just for the flag I'm happy to make a £20 donation towards it. And I know the events haven't gone as well as I would have hoped so far this year but way it goes I guess. But anyway I was just seeing what everyone else thought and if anyone else would be happy to donate towards it. There is no obligation to it and I'm not one to beg for anything, so will leave it with everyone else as to what we do about this. and even if it's not ready for this year it's always handy for next year. 

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I'm not really sure to be honest I just asked Steve about getting a flag or two and thats what he said I've not even shopped about myself. I just know they're not the cheapest of things when I wanted some little Subaru rally flags before :(  


Thats exactly what I had in mind :D 

So how much cheaper could you do them for mate, I would rather keep everything in house like this with members when and where possible :) 

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I will have a word with the big bosses on Tuesday to see what I can get knocked off :)

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I agree least we know what we need to aim for. Or for me to see how many weeks I have to keep taking a few quid out my kids money boxes ;) 

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Any news on the prices mate I know Steve wants to know how cheap you can get them too. To see what he can do, but I will even look at getting two if we can get enough interest with donations. 


Ill be up for donating.

Has S.O.C ever thought about a paid membership? With my last club they had a paid membership (£10 a year) with this you get a welcome pack sticker and a keyring or what ever but the benefit from it was they was able to use some of the profit to buy flags etc.

Im pretty sure if people know that a tenner a year is pushing the club forwrad they will be happy to sign up, just a thought.

I was kind of surprised as soon as i signed up to S.O.C i was able to access the discount section and howto's, not saying thats a bad thing but it is another good ascentive to be a member.

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Ill be up for donating.

Has S.O.C ever thought about a paid membership? With my last club they had a paid membership (£10 a year) with this you get a welcome pack sticker and a keyring or what ever but the benefit from it was they was able to use some of the profit to buy flags etc.

Im pretty sure if people know that a tenner a year is pushing the club forwrad they will be happy to sign up, just a thought.

I was kind of surprised as soon as i signed up to S.O.C i was able to access the discount section and howto's, not saying thats a bad thing but it is another good ascentive to be a member.



I think it might be a way forward. But I don't want to limit the forums to non paying members. We did that in the last club I was Moderator of with the keyrings and stickers but they locked parts of the forum off, to non paying members which I think is wrong really. I know it's not business minded and believe me when money is involved I'm pretty quick on it :D But would like to see people pay because they enjoy being here and to help the club than feel they need to be penalised to take full part on the forums or at events, if that makes sense. But removing the advertisements to paid members and a nice little badge to say they're a contributor with a welcome gift pack I would be happy to see :) 

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No ads for paid members would be a great idea, all good points Gambit.

I also would be happy to donate some wonga to the cause.

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Thanks :) 

I just think we have a great community here and wouldn't want to change that or make anyone of the members new or old feel they would need to pay to keep up with us or restrict anyone from being part of the club. I will take it to the boss man with ideas see what he says with paid membership and put across what I would like to see and see where we go from there. But great to see support for us that like the events to build up on :D 

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Exactly its a no lose situation people will only pay if they want too, and like you say if the full forum is going to stay open the non paying members wont suffer.

Removing adds would be great, i would donate my right leg to get rid of the adds :D


Now theres a charity event thought King removes right leg for charity and gets adds removed from S.O.C ;) 


Haha thats the spirit. I'm sure some members can pick you up for the events or drive you in your car :D 


hi guys


A premium membership is on it's way, we have been working to get some really neat discounts, and loads more to come.


Yes we will work it so that there will be a huge reduction in the ads making the experience a whole lot better. Also add more features to your account such as personalising your profile background and larger upload privilages also larger inbox etc.


Of course stickers will come with the pack.

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You see we can work like a well oiled machine sometimes :D 

Be next week before it's all ready to go live I will make a post in General Chat in a bit about it so everyone who hasn't read this is uptodate to the best of my knowledge. I know we should be getting Halfrauds discount along with others the discounts will be for contribution members only I believe but the rest of the forum as I said before should still be available. Gift packs will be done as well 

And in the mean time anyone donating for this flag that I now have a price for I believe Steve's said that will be used  as contribution so I assume he means as long as the donation is equal or greater than the year's contribution. And as for price for the year I don't know what that will be myself yet I will try get a run down of it all :) I think Steves post covers the rest...



And back to the flag for 

1=  Small Promo Feather Banner
1= Small Parasol Base

Look's like this 


The club should be able to get 5% off thanks to Gaulson. 

Not sure if the price includes delivery so I'm just double checking :D 

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