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I had s 208 as a courtesy car when mine was being repaired after that Corsa tried to mount it. Now it wasn't a gti but I can say it was easily the worst car I've ever driven. In fact I had 2 and they were both the same. Horrible to drive, wouldn't even go in a straight line I was always making tiny adjustments as it drift from left to right. All the chavs will buy these though, except it'll probably be over £20k to buy one which might rule out the chav brigade, guess they'll have to stick to their corsas

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Future Chav mob cars thats what these are :) Will start with the rich Mummy and Daddys buying little johnny I buy my mates one for doing so well at College. before the rest can get one in a few years when the 2nd hand market is cheap for them. 

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