Came across this website thought id share incase it's useful for anyone. Just put in subaru in the search, service manuals and owners manuals are free to download.
I imagine you can turn up and pay on the day.
Its £12 to be on the club stand just put your name down on the japfest forum section and message @GeoffLeggy to sort payment.
Hi there is the midlands subaru owners club and the website is
I went to one of their monthly meets which was good but they meet near Derby so was a bit if a treck for me.
But id be intersted in the one that does charity events too.
Just a quick bit of advice please.
Im planning on purchasing a front end splitter but there is a bit of damage already there from the previous owner and wondered if i should try and sort it out or if the splitter would cover some of it?
Yes hope to see you at another one.
Haha. I did it in 15.15 but my excuse is it was my first time and was more than a little nervous 😂 all good fun though
Was good to see you all again and meet some new people. Had a great time. Here's a couple of shots and if you can me let me know you best strip time I'd love to know so I can compare 😂
I've sent you the £8 @GeoffLeggy for camping.
If the weather is raining I may whimp out at last minute 😂 and I will probably also need some help putting a tent up im sure I have one