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Everything posted by Gambit

  1. You will always get mixed messages :D on Oil it's one of them questions nobody really has a straight answer for I use one type for the Blobeye and another type for the Bugeye with it being tuned But 5/40 is fine :) I would say without going to the garage it's 5/40 I have for the blobeye
  2. They did donate the 1st day's bluray sales of the new fast and furious to his charity too so I read. Universal did I mean
  3. No they have filmed a big chunk of it about 70% they was on a break from filming when he had the fatal crash
  4. I'd say it was 5/40 then I use on the blob eye too looking at what everyone else has put I could have gone in the garage and looked to be fair ;) But I was drinking last night so to much effort :D
  5. So I hear their getting his brother to finish the new movie in his place but still think they would be better off CGI his death into the movie as well. As nasty as that might sound. And yes we are having a massive tribute even at Santa Pod next month with all money going to his charity. Post in the events room about it. And it is a sad I don't think anyone realise the impact from the car enthusiast scene his death has had. I have to admit it was like I had lost a friend that I had never met :(
  6. My 1st mod when I bought mine was Subaru dust caps I bought them before I bought the car ;) I like the fog covers just don't like the cost of them but think they look better covered. And I'm a window tint type of guy. You never know who you might get in the back seat ;) But helps to hide the mess from the kids :D
  7. Only real thing is keep all the fluids checked up on if you drive it a lot like coolants and oils. it doesn't hurt as I'm sure you know with the Nissan to do regular oil changes and filter. And let her warm up and cool down after driving her hard. I look at them like an Ex girlfriend I once had good looking high maintenance and needy. But put's a smile on my face ;)
  8. I think on the Blobeye I use 5-30 but the bugeye I use another grade without going out to check I can't remember off the top of my head. Opie-Oils is shut now for christmas so be after Christmas before Tim will be able to reply. And It's his Birthday today so I'm guessing he will be building up to speaking to god on the big old white porcelain telephone :D
  9. Just imagine a backfire if they did work :D
  10. :D I have to agree it's the same for me ;)
  11. I just replied on the post :) But welcome again
  12. Hi mate welcome to S.O.C And sounds like you are going in the right direction for power gains :D And I agree if it has four door's it's a family car ;)Congratulations on becoming a father too :)
  13. Merry Christmas I do like this guy :D
  14. I can relate with that I'm not bad with computers and have been asked why I don't do that as a job. Like you I like to play with them not work with them :D But not my only hobby car is my 1st choice ;) My 1st car was an escort too but a bit after the mk1 it was the mk6 or 5b not sure witch. But had full use on the road of a mk3 XR3I G reg was about 7 years old then and I was still at school But was in to motorbikes more at that time so spent more time playing with them :DBut wish I could do what you do with your's basics I'm fine with but full engine out :( not for me ;)
  15. His only biggest regret is he didn't live closer to me so I could drop my car round when needing work ;) How did you not end up working with car's then ? And I've also tried to get you and other Project build your own room so they don't get lost in the posts
  16. Should get back on with us mate ;) It's only for a laugh but most Sundays it's funny just watching Mfnick crashing from the lead to last place ;) But I will take a look when I'm on tomorrow.
  17. I had a Dutch lorry driver up my !Removed! flashing his lights driving really close and beeping his horn once going through. So when he pulled over I had to ask what his problem was he said in broken english he was sorry but he was in a rush to reach the Ferry. I just said tough **** I'm paid by the hour so it's unlucky if you get stuck behind me again. I was livid
  18. You don't want to ask about my dream's. But if I could ever give any advice is. You've got to hold on to your dreams. They tend to struggle a bit in the back of the van.
  19. No problem mate happy to help :)
  20. I love the concept I posted some videos of the released impreza looks nothing like the concept car but it's a WRX I'm holding out slim hope that the STI impreza will be more like the Concept. And one thing I like about the Subaru community is we are like a big happy family even if some don't wave back at me from their foresters ot Legacy's I always wave though if I see one. :D just think it will take me awhile to get used to seeing any XV's :D But if they do sell the new impreza here I will still wave. Even if I think the person who bought it would need glasses B) ​£80 silly not too for the difference it does make.
  21. Hi mate he's PM'D me back Hi, if I understand the question right someone wants to put an STI Ecu on a Wrx in the hope of getting more power. That wouldn't work as the STI Ecu will be set up for a completely different engine, turbo, injectors etc. also i believe on subarus of that age the Ecus are coded to the car. But not 100% sure. I've just copied what he posted for you and basicly what I was saying before. The ECU will be trying to put more power to parts of the car thats not suited, if that makes sense. So would maybe seem ok but would do massive damage to the engine if it even started :) Hope this helps And thanks to Gareth at Map-tech in Brigg for the quick reply :)
  22. You must be new around here ;) What can I see I'm easily influenced
  23. I was only talking about how it should look to me I'm not saying it's a bad thing and would be happy to own one without a doubt. Well one like your's anyway I do think it looks smart and has to be put into the best one I have ever seen, even if I haven't seen many. I know the car did get a 5 star rating from a review I was reading topped everything. And out of the cars you listed I think are all ugly cars. I agree think Subaru is on to a winner with this car. I might even email them a picture and ask why they are not pushing to sell this car more here. And sort out the ugly new impreza ;)
  24. Possible it being with it in diagnostic mode. Is it still doing now taken out of diagnostic mode. ? Yeah Adam said you had been down flashing your legs at him trying to get some money knocked off the seats ;) ​Average speed cameras I hate them the Vultures also know as. I was told they don't work but I still slow for them :D
  25. I did in my minds eye. But imgshack removes anything with too much skin ;)
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