I know, this the first game I've had real anticipation for since about tombraider 3, I looked forward to forza 4 ABS the last tombraider but never like a kid waiting for Christmas.
Mick, I know what you mean about cutting the cost my last xbox 360 I bought for £199 it was a halo limited edition (and I don't even like Halo), I sold the halo game for £20 and the limited DLC (flaming helmet, seriously that was the DLC, apparently you could run around in halo online with your head on fire) that was only available with the limited console. I sold that on fleabay for £75! Fortunately my console broke so they replaced it and I got another flaming helmet DLC, this time £85. So the console actually only cost me £20 in the end plus a few eBay charges.
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