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tom_gr7 last won the day on August 19 2021

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    The North
  • Interests
    People, PC's and Cars!
  • Subaru Model
    Legacy 2.0R

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  1. today i've had a complete brake pipe failure... no brakes at all now. long story. now my cars stuck on the drive with no brakes and i need to go to work tomorrow... that means day off work :)
  2. Anyone ever had any brake fluid issues? Just got back from a long drive and my brakes failed just as i got home. Fortunately just as i reversed onto my drive not on the way. Ive now found tht all the fluid has leaked out. Its not coming from the calipers or the brake hoses. It is dripping from the rear of the engine on the passenger side. Its now parked up until i can get it recovered to a garage or dealer. Anyone had this issue before? Thanks.
  3. Yea just got them tonight. Pretty happy with them. Will add some pics when i get them on the car.... in spring lol
  4. Yay finally bought myself a new set of alloys for my summer tyres :) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/332043807290?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Set of Blitzen alloys from a mk3 :)
  5. Got my winter tyres put on yesterday.... cost me 48 quid to change over... robbing ****** wanted to charge me 57... think its about time i get me a set of spare alloys
  6. hi guys, sorry, mega busy recently. busy year... baby, married and moved house lol.
  7. hi mate, lol litterally only just seen this hahaha
  8. Yeah Longlife or powerflow will make you a stainless exhaust for about 500 quid.
  9. lol, i read that the 2nd show dropped 3million viewers.
  10. im sure i had a similar issue with my legacy not long after i bought it. Martin (Sheffield Subaru Service) had it fixed with a Pack file update. - I've no idea what that is though haha. Maybe worth checking with a local subaru dealer for any updates?
  11. Did you watch Top Gear last night? What are your thoughts? I thought I'd give it a try and see what it was like. I lasted 26minutes and had to turn it off44 as I simply cannot stand Chris Evans. Discuss...
  12. nice dave, :) You've been looking imports for months hahaha. What are you doing with the outback?
  13. nice motor mate, looks nice :)
  14. washed and clay mitted the missus astra :) got the usual comments from neighbours "you will wash it away". Says the guy with the rusting toyota on the drive, who openly admitted he's never washed it in 17years.
  15. Glad about the change of venue lol. Back in the north. - Although, i hope no one has booked local hotels. i'd go but im already away for the weekend though. The missus is very good at using up my holidays -.- you can read about the change of venue here http://scoobyfest.co.uk/news
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