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Everything posted by 4758nigel

  1. the mrs would go mental if she knew i was asking this but is the spoiler still available and how much were you wanting for it? that'll look great on my tubby
  2. looked like an awesome day and the members cars was just a guess never seen any of them other than on here ;)
  3. so who's is who's here? i'm guessing from right to left gambit gambit ??? pete ??? ???
  4. absolutely gutted i can't make it :( but tbh with the ticket !Removed! up kinda glad too. what sort of time will you all be heading back this sort of way? if it's on your way then feel free to drop me a PM and we can maybe meet up for a chat and to see each others cars etc (kind of a post japfest scooby meet)
  5. i WAS gutted that i couldn't make it but tbh seeing all this hassle you guys are having i'm fairly glad i didn't buy a ticket since i probably wouldn't have been able to fork out another £20 for the missus to get in too and there is NO WAY IN HELL i'd be allowed to go alone
  6. that looks spot on matt where did you get the beast of a scoop from and how much was it (if you don't mind my asking ;)) my scoop has "impreza turbo" on the inside of the scoop was hoping to get a bigger scoop so you can see them better ;)
  7. your wagon looks awesome matt if my wagon had a turbo i wouldn't have got this tbh
  8. hi mate welcome to the site ;) hope to see some pics :)
  9. i knew it wouldn't be long before i decided to upgrade plus the mrs wants the wagon as her own car coz it's an automatic my baby turbo 2000: will get some more pics once i've washed her etc..
  10. i'm not certain but i would imagine that they will fit as long as it for the same "shape"/year
  11. someone with taste that's who you are gambit ;) he could have at least bought a proper STi badge and stuck that on or an entire boot lid with the STi badge already on it
  12. with the dark blue a carbon bonnet would work really nicely too i think tbh i'll keep an eye out for ya if i see any i'll let ya know ;)
  13. hi mate welcome to the site ;) there's an awful lot of helpful advice and people on here feel free to join in on other threads or even make your own look forward to seeing some pics when you get the beast ;)
  14. gonna look good mate ;)
  15. I've got nankang ultra sport II on mine and they seem pretty good on grip and don't seem to have too much road noise when i drive the A1
  16. I've got a bonnet that i can sell ya as I've decided not to bother fitting it on my car will need painting tho obviously and it's got bonnet pins but i'm sure you could remove them and fiber glass the holes or something or even keep them (depending on personal preference)
  17. i like them and who cares if they're retro ;)
  18. ring them and find out that's the best way imo
  19. not likely to affect it no but you should inform your insurer of the mistake and they can rectify it their end that way if you do have an accident then they have NO grounds to try and say your insurance wasn't valid due to the date being wrong
  20. use a hosting site like photobucket then once you've uploaded it click the photo and it'll have 4 links next to it click the bottom one "IMG" and then paste it into here and the site will do the rest Links to share this photo Email & IM Direct HTML " id="linksModule_copycode_3" style="margin-bottom: 5px;">IMG" />
  21. hi mate welcome to the site look forward to seeing some pics ;)
  22. the link is there but it tells me that i don't have permission to view it tho when i click it
  23. not too sure if it's any good to you WRXweston but i have a set of clocks that i can sell you ;) if you needed more clocks but i have absolutely no idea how much it'd cost for postage so offers and you can collect or something like that
  24. not looking promising for me to be able to go unfortunately :( stuff keeps going wrong and is costing me a fortune in the process so can't really justify a car show where i'm likely to spend even more money i don't have but if things change then i will defo be up for going ;)
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