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Everything posted by ChrisD

  1. Cheers buddy :) Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  2. Cheers mate. If you have his contact details for me too please? :) Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  3. If it's around that that's fine. That may be cheaper option will ask my local subaru garage Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  4. what was the cost to fix? if you don't mind me asking
  5. Hey guy, I have a 2003 Impreza running 315bhp breaks, standard calipers with black diamond drilled and grooved disks and pads. I had an issue before where breaking would cause my steering wheel to wobble at any speed. I had them skimmed as they were almost new and this fixed the problem now its kind of coming back, it doesn't happen at slow speed this time and seems worse when the car is warm for some reason. at 50 - 60 it wobbles my steering wheel and at high speed (....such as 70 on the motorway ;) ) it shakes the car quite bad, enough to make loud noises. if i break really hard it doesn't shake but soft breaking does. I haven't done any hard breaking to warp them. what could it be as it's driving me mad !! don't want to spend loads on a problem that shouldn't be there in the first place
  6. Wish mine did a rolling burnout in 2nd...
  7. Think the 225mm is for Turbo classics, 1993 to 1998 so the 230mm based on what the description says in the link below http://www.superhids.co.uk/clutches-and-lightweight-flywheels/subaru-impreza/exedy-225mm-organic-clutch-kit-5-speed-subaru-impreza-turbo-inc-wrx-sti-blue-box-anti-judder.html
  8. bet he left some skid marks on his seat...
  9. :,)* Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  10. Thought so haha, just seems to fit so I changed it on photoshop :,( Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  11. Its not the tyres, oil is at right level. It's odd as it doesn't happen all the time. Happens more after a hard run or high motorway speed and the going back to a 30 limit and using engine breaking around low speeds Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  12. Looks like a classic inter cooler, and I'm not really familiar with the classics, does it fit like this?
  13. I'm running a 2003 blob WRX, 315 BHP , I have millers CSF 10w/50 in at the min :) OEM subaru oil filter
  14. majority of the cost for mine was in parts, had 3rd and 4th gear set replaced with some new bearings and syncromesh kit, the parts for that were like £600 !!! (luckily my warranty covered it)
  15. I find it funny how when you post something like this on facebook there are some people who try and blame everyone else but the person at fault, oh you were going to fast towards him when he slammed his breaks on while driving on the motorway and so on. you could be parked in your own drive and have someone run into you and someone would still blame you :') also congrats on the 1,000,000 Views, think youtube pays like 1 or 2 grand on youtube for a million views.
  16. I shall do it when I can, seen (just now) some people recommend this. got some new tyres going on in a few days so will make sure i'm balanced, aligned and all that jazz when they go on too.
  17. Hey guys, I have a 2003 WRX Blob, on standard suspension. I am getting new tyres soon and was wondering whats the best way to adjust front camber without breaking the bank as my old tyres were worn out around the edges despite having plenty of tread left around the wheel. Don't want to break the bank if pos, just get a bit more from the car and from my tyres. Kind regards Chris
  18. Bit like this
  19. Hello guys, I have recently had my gearbox rebuilt and a new pink clutch put in, all bedded in with no problems but... I have been hearing some sounds I haven't experienced before. when slowing down (engine breaking) my car (2003 impreza WRX Blob) makes a "fff ffff ffff ffff ffff" sound, this stops if I apply any throttle. sounds like air or as if there is a cloth attached to the drive shaft spinning about. any ideas? Kind regards Chris
  20. bet you left a few skid marks there ! I had a similar issue on a bigger road than this with someone overtaking bikes without slowing down. had loads of people saying i was going too fast for the road, but as i was taught on my driving lesson and my IAM advanced driving lessons you drive at a speed where you can stop in the distance you can see, which I could do easy, if there was a car broken down or a horse or something that ran out I could stop without any worry. but how do you plan for someone to be coming towards you on the wrong side of the road doing 70 mph? should I leave a 130 mph stopping distance when i'm doing 60?
  21. Mine also did this, seems to have stopped now, I have a bailey dump valve and it sometimes needs greasing up so make sure it closes up quick enough. think it could do with a stronger spring.
  22. I have just gotten the pink excedy, drives like the original clutch, sets off well and all. another option is the competion clutches but I have heared very mixed things on them
  23. Carry around a jump starter kit or just use the battery as a in case of emergency get you going "thing" Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  24. I will be there :) Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  25. Not sure. That's a question for Martin Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
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