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Everything posted by ChrisD

  1. I know I'm not the first guy to ask but can someone advise me on the best cold air intake kit, mushroom, cone filter job. I will run it into the side wall so would be looking for the pipe work and filter (everything I need really) something that's cheapish, that's not going to effect reliability. also do I need another re-map right after if I do this, or can I leave that to a later date? Thank you guys :) Chris
  2. Sounds like i should be fine then, there are louder cars than mine that have no issues, i think if I am polite and come across as a nice person to any cops I may meet I can't see them bothering with the hassle over it. Thanks guys :)
  3. Unless someone complains, I can't see it happening. Which with my car popping and banging like it does they might... (sorry local villages)
  4. According to the law, you cannot have any modifications to your exhaust system that makes it louder than standard. is this enforced? as I'm sure most Subaru owners would be breaking the law based on this. sounds stupid to me, I can see why they would have a sound limit but to limit it against itself seems ridiculous and pointless. just wondering what I can say if i am ever pulled over by a jobs worth, also anyone had experience in this?
  5. Imust be honest I was hoping someone would say follow this link to this one on ebay for 3 quid. Matt is there somewhere best to lick it? (never said that before in my life)
  6. I want something to give me some indication on oil temperature? just so i know when i am up to temperature and when i need to drive soft for a bit to cool down? any ideas would be great, want to spend as little as possible, also i am not confident in drilling into anything so surface mount or something through the oil caps would be better! Thank you in advance :)
  7. Shows a working car. I quite like mine caked in much some days, then I pretend I'm a rally driver when in fact I have just been down a quite back Road, doing 10mph crying as I listen to stones fly up at my paint Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  8. Haha :,) I thought yours looks good, mines only like that as I spend a lot of time washing and polishing (helps not having friends I find) I think you always look at your own car more harshly and pick out the tiniest of flaws (I know I do) Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  9. Thought it was a nice meet :) even if it wasn't as busy as is usually is. see you all next month
  10. Dragging muck over the car with little lubrication I wouldn't do. but to clear of water marks from raid or hand prints, stuff like that, I got a cheap one from wilko's for a quid and it works well just to keep on top of it. (used the clay cloth's detailing spray and it works well)
  11. Also a vote for cloth, used a bar: took ages. Used a cloth just in soapy water (after I had cleaned normally): quick, looked great :) Also used on my partners Astra, it went from gray to a deeper black than my car!
  12. mine came with a bailey vent to atmosphere on it and i am considering going back standard as it seems to effect my boost and also i have some issues when i change gear between 3-5K revs, my car revs like I forget to remove my foot of accelerator, i am guessing its over fueling as its adding fuel to air that it thinks is going in but then that air is vented out and not used. But on the other side I love the TSSHHH I get from it so I am finding it hard to let go ....
  13. I would have thought biggest difference is tyres? another thing is if you get a sound deadening thing like dyno matt, its like a big sheet of putty with foil backing and it sticks on your metal work under door panels, under carpet, where ever you can fit it. basically stops everything vibrating and holds it still to get rid of a lot of road noise and other noise. Hope this helps
  14. Car show next bank holiday on the 31st of August, in Sheffield at the Magna Science Museum. Should be a good day :) I think there are a few more spots on a Subaru stand there (South Yorkshire Subaru Owners) if you are interested you can speak to Ricky Henshaw here... https://www.facebook.com/groups/1567308393528056/ Tickets: Pre-book £8.00 (will need to pre-book ticket for show and shine entry) On The Gate: £10.00 https://www.prestige-event.uk/prestigeuk20152.html "2015 will see the return of the Prestige UK show, with a brand new venue, and a brand new layout, this years show will be bigger and better. With our super bright and carpeted show and shine hall there couldn't be a better place to showcase some of the finest automotives around. Our Indoor and Outdoor arenas will also be displaying some of the coolest styles automotive taste has to offer, along with our entertainment of live dj's, rc drift, bmx displays, our free giveaways, trade stands, film crew, big screen television, over 25 awards up for grabs, and much more, this is show that will push the boundaries."
  15. Depends how much you wanna spend :), if you wanna buy a decent product with good value and do it yourself or if you want a company to do a full all over treatment for several £100s i tried a diamond bright, it is supposed to give a life long protection, but I wasnt very impressed. Looking at using the SONAX poly net shield now, looks like it has good reviews, good priced and lasts 6 months ish :) Hope this helps a bit :)
  16. I loved that little old car he did the drifting in! I was very impressed Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  17. Yea it just before he was doing a wheelie and touching his mudflap down you will see him doing it just after Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  18. Think he was pointing to where he was going to wheelie and touch his mud flap down Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  19. Finally done!! Enjoy people. In the description it says when different bits are on Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  20. If you plug the T440 into the flir tools plus software (paid for version) you can record radiometric images that you can take temperature measurements from and trend from at 60 fps :) it's a good feature and great for processes that are hard to image Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  21. The camera is a Flir camera I have use of from the company I work for, as they supply them. It's the Flir T620 :) shame I couldn't have it plugged into a laptop as I can really go scientific on the data then. On the camera it's just a flat video with no temperature measurements Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  22. That's fine buddy, you can tag me in it if you wouldn't mind :) Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  23. Videos will be up as soon as i can edit everything :) here are some pictures to keep you till then.
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