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Everything posted by ven

  1. Pete.............wow love your set up,loving the gauge too B) not to mention your subaru :D If there was one thing i could change(many many things tbh ) would be the green dash to a red............in truth i cba But much prefer the red...............
  2. Just fitted one myself,prosport gauge and pod Off Has stepper motor,so a little noise on start up with calibration,can hear slightly if concentrate,during driving its no issue. Few different flavours to suit dash colours available,i went for green/white. Can have it change colour when lights on for example,i just went green permanently........ Stepper is fitted under dash away from engine bay,so i just have boost pipe going through the grommet above pedals. One think i like is the oe look,in eye line too,so easy to read without taking eyes off road.
  3. Having a shogun(so similar to pajero) ,drivers had yellow diamonds as like a member signature in window(think size of2 tax discs but a diamond shape and yellow.............guess the clue was there) Pic,can see me using as tax disc holder Quite a few pajeros compared to subarus, an easy 10/1 ratio .Over the years odd flash but most just...........well did not matter. Excluding the awesome peeps i got to know,met and went on days out laning/pay and play sites etc. So this is a general on the road type of observation. Now we are at subaru impreza ownership,even in the last 2 weeks and we know they are becoming a rarer site(round me anyway) i have been pipped(not for that reason :P )waved at,thumbed up etc. I thought.............its like a bikers thing maybe,but subaru owners ,but be them older shape(do love them) or newage ,all appear friendly and seem to go out of their way to let on., B) Just a couple of days back a nice black impreza(dont know if sti or wrx) beeped a couple of times as i was turning off. Looked back and he slowed and seen a face looking at me and sure a thumbs up(not middle finger :P ) in rear view mirror. Just a general observation within a few month,seem a friendly bunch of drivers,more so than any other mark of past i have owned............ Is this the norm where you are?? is there a code,or subaru owners have a passion in their brand more than other brand owners............... Cheers ven
  4. Classic,i am not surprised though............ Tbh and Gambit knows via a pm a while back,this forum is one of the friendliest along with POCUK which is pajeros. Made welcome,not shot down with questions and responses are polite etc. I like it here :) but my knowledge and mods wise is limited,however in time it will grow. I am restricted with family responsibility now being 40...............Just a few years back,if i had bought a subaru instead of a mitsi,i would have been able to add many threads of mods. Just this time it may take a while :( ...........all in good time :P Face ache i avoid like the plague,i dont mind posting stuff,even if i look a plonker,but not on social media crap......... Trouble is face ache can damage good car forums,due to instant answers ...........however many "not in the know" replies seem to happen in abundance(been told as dont go on) Quick Q and cheers see you later............ Least on forums you build up friends/relation ships(well you know what i mean :P ) with other members B) :D
  5. Well today i have had a couple of motorway runs,so can actually get a prolonged boost read out in 5th gear(again i know not 100% but best judgement i can get) It holds a fraction above 1 bar,consistent,no budging apart from less than a needle width of movement now and then,but pretty much stable. So seems to be running well(yep my feet are resting on a wood table ). I a getting used to the brightness pretty quick now as stants said,so all good,happy.................. for now ;) . :)
  6. Hi Jay,thanks for the kind words and always a pleasure to share info,may help others by my mistakes maybe 2 wrongs do make a right :) In future,as i slowly do mods(the boss does not really like it and put up with it on my previous truck) So have to tread with caution!! I will do my best to add pics and write ups............the bloopers are never missed out
  7. True,you know what i have had a thought..............dangerous stuff i know......... Could get some kind of tinted cover,cut to size and fit............make it more smoked if makes sense. That may be the easiest option if i dont get used to it. Along lines of what you use on lights to darken etc.........just a thought
  8. Looking at diagram,maybe the orange wire that connects to acc,by reducing the V.,...could be wrong,will see how i get on as i may get used to it. Just being out then its not too bad,it looks good bright,may grow on me over time or as said just get used to it. Its just night time use that it is apparent ............no biggy :)
  9. I always have mine on the higher setting,if anything that seems a little low for me,shame its not like an infinite control like some,that way you can dial in the exact brightness level of dash...........
  10. Just been out for some proper testing or should i say better than a quick run. Its ticking over at 0.6bar vac,under highest boost i am a fraction under 1.0bar,would say 0.99 as width of a needle under. I know far from 100% accurate but its a guide....... With stereo off(the JVC :P as xcraps is in mail back) you can hear the gauge,noisy.......well yes but not very. The start up is loud in comparison though for the 1st second or so when calibrating itself. Its not fantastic,its a good gauge imho,no regrets and would buy again. But for around £50 i cant expect a £150 gauge quality. Its surely better than the £15-£20 jobs for sure. Cheers all,if anyone is seriously considering, to show/hear the noise ,i have no problem making a vid and linking to the tube of you ;)
  11. I like the idea,may look into it as it ideally needs to be about 1/2 as bright imo..........thats me though! others may like it bright and obvious to the eye. Cheers
  12. One comment i will make is it is quite bright at night even with the sun guard/shield. Its not a killer or anything,but you do get a slight reflection on screen. I cant think back to my fiesta turbo and cosworth days if it was the same or not. Just to point out its bright,some dimmer function would be good or wired into the stork dimmer maybe. Just something to consider for any future buyers,although i am sure most will be quite bright and dependent on where situated would exaggerate the reflection. Other than that its a nice gauge.........never had an elec one with stepper motor,not sure what/if any benefits over the traditional type regarding accuracy/reliability........... Time will tell
  13. i was the same,basically you can fit the stepper motor in engine bay and just extend cables,mine is under dash and is a little loud on start up then its all quiet...........no big deal. Boost pipe runs to stepper motor instead of to rear of gauge. from this its wired to the gauge. Some wires are left,depending on what colour you want. It can save feeding the boost pipe through the fire wall but i did it that way anyway and connected up under foot fell. Which ever works for you :)
  14. destructions scooby ghost to explain wires/colours A said i am green/green :)
  15. Thanks for that stants,will check it out :)
  16. Hi there,thank you,they do other colours too,i decided on green/white but just opted for green all the time. In short you can have white in day,switch headlights on and turns green or visa versa.............cba as said,my dash is green . Blue /red are other options. Bought here http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221673198110?_trksid=p2060778.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Pod here http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/150872627950?_trksid=p2060778.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT The pod surpassed my expectations ,its superb but still think pricey being honest............no regrets though :)
  17. Its working,fully tested :) few pics to show where i went wrong Trying to cut this pipe in centre = fail,even using longer pipe was not easy due to pipes coming out lower down The small pipe is now replaced coming from manifold to plastic housing,this was an issue. Lower down there is a blue fitting the lower pipe came out of.....no probs.........except it branches off onto another. Not easy,so removed bracket to sort and replace pipe Pipe plumbed through grommet and along fire wall Not show standard..............i aint going to shows Now fitted here,left the oe pipe and cut another so easy to replace in case of issues.......... As said spare pipe,will cut back later but its fine as is for now This was before on tick over This is now on tick over On a run and test,i have had it at 0.75bar,so around 10.9 psi.............is that good,bad............or ugly???not sure standard boost. I have filter and zaust,no cat removal or re-map and it does pull well for ...........a "wrx" Cheers all,like to follow up on my threads,be it good or bad.........or both as it started in this case ;)
  18. Well i performed like edd china...............in the bloopers you never get to see Right tried that pipe from manifold and cut in 1/2,of course the T piece is too big now and wont fit in the restricted area. But thats not it...........the pipes under came out for trying to turn it up wards..........oh no Removed the solenoid/switch there on bracket after 20 mins of struggling with sausage fingers Took away from car,fitted pipes,re-fitted then joined back up with new pipe. Run new pipe around bulk head now to the re-circ. This time no cutting,fitted T piece and added another piece for the "just in case" . Guess its took me around 1hr,40 mins of that was struggling with inaccessible pipes under manifold. I do not give in and nothing gets the better of me regardless of my mistakes,all be them amateur :P What we have now is a working gauge...........well working correct i should say. Will get pics later but its got a lot less vacuum on tick over as it should,it boosts not under load to around 0.5 bar. I am yet to test on road as kids have been swinging off me the full duration...........does not help! In fact thats my excuse for my blunders :P Plumbing is not best,all cable tied along neat at back,but left excess again for the "just in case" situation.Once happy and ran for a while i will let shorten and neaten up the last section with around 4" too much pipe(gently coiled without kinks). May even leave but my ocd will get the better of me :) So all good in the end,will sort a pic or 3 out later :)
  19. Sussed it thanks,i have wrong part of manifold to the far left. I have found the part,its a short pipe from further towards centre of manifold,comes out to a plastic filter type. Needs to be plumbed into there,i could have done it now but i need a section to connect back the other pipe thats T off. I have enough spare pipe..............so 1/2 way there Burger!!!! Job for tomorrow now then once i source a plastic fitting. Will use the T piece i have into the correct pipe........ Cheers again,will follow up once done............if on right path
  20. Buckets not updated yet so not turned edited pic.......
  21. Thanks for the reply,i thought that was the same pipe i plumbed from,the pipe starts at the manifold......... Turned pic right way to make a little easier,the pipe starts from manifold,not sure if there is another,may have to wait till morning for better light. Would or have anyone plumbed from the re-circ at the inter cooler..............would that be another option. Thanks again edit- photobucket slow
  22. Hi guys,gauge fitted and something not quite right and presume pipe plumbing. When ticking over a tad under vacuum so good,tested with another gauge and exact same,only showing boost when taking foot off pedal so obv its not right pipe But So what is the recommended pipe to plumb off please,is the re-circ pipe the best option. Under impression more accurate from manifold hence where it is now. Thanks in advance and will sort tomorrow :)
  23. Well the xcraps is on its way back..........what a pile of *beep* Anyone considering an xtron,simply dont Unit worked fine tbh,it was the gps,kept either switching off and on(cycling) or would load up 1 in 10 attempts,then crash. I tried another card and same so software glitch.........well just crap software getting to the point.How i kept my patience i dont know,so at 11pm last night(the ocd in me) the unit was whipped out and the JVC back in. Will be getting a refund and will look into a 1/2 decent unit. Gone are my days of spending 500 on a stereo,so sub 300 but a 1/2 decent branded unit. Gauge will be started later or tomorrow as a night mare busy time sorting studio,once done i will upload a few pics :)
  24. Cheers,yes think same with newage,just pondering how i get it into the corner and through to pillar mount. Must be a gap in corner once pillar is removed.............well i hope may have to make one Cheers :)
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