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Everything posted by Xander

  1. Look loads better, if they fold and everything so work the same I would say go for it. -- I make Films and Website for people
  2. Made it famous haha, filming for a new TV show and they needed to borrow a car so my subaru was used. Shame they dident let me go buy some new alloys first haha. Also picked up the paint to get rid of the chrome. -- I make Films and Website for people
  3. Got a photo of them installed on a car? -- I make Films and Website for people
  4. As said it looks to big. Could have just been something someone had made up for the car. I know civic type r's have a plate with a number on so someone could have liked that idea and just had one made to shown of its a PPP -- I make Films and Website for people
  5. I don't think cosworth do one but I know other people make them but I have heard their bad for the car due to the oil coming off over time. Not sure though, I have also seen dino tests showing no difference changing the filter over stock but still might try one myself. -- I make Films and Website for people
  6. Hi Ben welcome I am also looking at parts for a wrx hatch looks like your going to be busy. -- I make Films and Website for people
  7. I liked it but I get what people are saying about it getting silly and going to far into action and not about cars anymore. But it's what I expected and enjoyed it because of that. -- I make Films and Website for people
  8. Yer it's not to expensive a friend of mine dose it and as long as it's done properly you wouldn't get anything under it. -- I make Films and Website for people
  9. It's ok I got my eye on the nerf guns :-D -- I make Films and Website for people
  10. Think I would go for a wrap over plasti dip for a hole car. -- I make Films and Website for people
  11. All paid mate -- I make Films and Website for people
  12. Well the film is amazing best bit is the impreza hatch haha -- I make Films and Website for people
  13. If I had one from new I might get it wrapped so could have anything I like hahaha I really like the matalic matte colours. -- I make Films and Website for people
  14. Yer think it's dark grey looks the same colour as mine. Sounds really nice as well. I do like the blue ones as well. Guess I have a while to pick the colour I want haha. -- I make Films and Website for people
  15. I have seen one running around Louth and looks amazing but Stacey gives me the don't think about it look hahaha. -- I make Films and Website for people
  16. Yer that looks like my wrx bay so guessing very different. Sure there will be a 3rd party one for the wrx. -- I make Films and Website for people
  17. Where did you get that made? I was going to get a 12x6 for mine as I know you can fit legal spacing on it but its split over 2 lines and I would like it to be on one. I am also planning to get a 5 character private plate so I can make a smaller one line plate. Thanks Alex
  18. I think the STI one is bigger and wider so might not be a direct swap. Wonder if someone with an STI hatch could measure and we can find out.
  19. I might have it from you, how come your selling it? Thanks Alex
  20. Looks like a nice condition car and yay for free tools haha -- I make Films and Website for people
  21. My stock bov on the hatch makes a small blow off noise anyway sure you could find a louder resuculating one if you wanted it to have a bit more sound. -- I make Films and Website for people
  22. Yer will see what it costs for a custom system been looking a bolt ons really but never hurts to get a quote. -- I make Films and Website for people
  23. Might get a quote for mine then see what they say as its only down the road. -- I make Films and Website for people
  24. Haven't paid for cadwell yet but will and yes remind me and I will bring it along :-D -- I make Films and Website for people
  25. Nice one I should be there again, I have nothing booked in work wise that will get in the way.
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