Hi to all, I'm a newbie so hoping this is the correct forum to post about my problem.
I own a 2006 Forester XT turbo, 2.5 automatic and up until recently it was my pride and joy. However , out of the blue and for seemingly no reason the head gasket has gone, and both trhe head and the block need skimming. Which means both head gaskets need replacing as well and the best price I'm getting to repair it is 2,500 euros--I live in Ireland
A family friend has offered his 2002 Suburu legacy Outback at a knock down price as he was about to sell it anyway and it has a good engine and gearbox.
My question is: Would the engine from the Outback fit my Forester ? The outback is a 2.5, same as mine and thats all I know about it for now.
Any info would be gratefully appreciated