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Everything posted by Ash3000k

  1. That's alright then! Seen a big kit on eBay for about £15 with all of them from China or something, may just get them lol
  2. Hi all, So I now have a full decat system (in parts), inc up pipe, Only problem is that they didn't come with gaskets, Does anyone know which ones I need for up pipe and down pipe? I read somewhere that the actual Subaru OEM ones are the best? Thanks in advance! :D
  3. My exhaust guy is making a new 2.5 centre and I have already a 2.5 back box, his comment: "I don't think it will as it's STI the intake is .5 inch bigger. I'll check to see of I have a wrx one"
  4. Does anyone know if an STI one will work on my WRX? A guy who is selling it is saying something about STI down pipes being .5" larger on the intake (or something ) and it wont fit?
  5. Haha, that's always the case with these things!
  6. Hi all! Almost finished putting together parts for fully decat exhaust system! Just need a down pipe now! If anyone has one going please let me know! Cheers Ash
  7. Haha yea for a reason! If anyone knows any friendly MOT places near me please PM me!
  8. Haha, I live in Stoke, NO ONE IS FRIENDLY! :D
  9. Thanks, but what would I do for emissions on the MOT tho?
  10. Will do! Always seem to miss the bargains! haha
  11. Haha, me too, the ones I have seen on eBay seem to go for about 120>150! Which I also think is expensive for what little performance will be gained
  12. Ah right cool, did u go for the bigger STI inter cooler?
  13. Cool, yea that would prob be the best idea, What's the deal with the different Y pipe?
  14. Always with the CEL lol! My car is completely standard other than back box (plus the uppipe and stainless centre when I manage to fit them) is it worth remapping yet?
  15. Thanks for the reply! Sounds good but his odb thing was only a basic one and don't think it had option to turn it off, I also just purchased a second hand STI uppipe, is it easy to install ?
  16. Hi, Thanks for the reply, No its standard exhaust with after market back box, No smoke from turbo at all... Seems to pull well (apart from slow spool but think thats just the way these engines are haha, Its booked in for stainless middle section in a few weeks, Not sure what to do next, can I live without a center cat? will it reduce performance if I got rid of it? and if I did get rid of it how would I de activate the CEL light for the cat?
  17. Thanks, I had it checked and this came back:: P0420 cat system efficiently low bank1 This mean anything to anyone? Dgd
  18. No, just a VAG odb2 cable, do you know where I can find some scoob compatible free software I can use with it? I'm going to a local garage today to see if they can pickup the code they have an old scanner but not sure if it works, Thanks!
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