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Everything posted by Ash3000k

  1. Cheers I will ask around to see if there anyone close to me who will do it,
  2. I think I need it! haha + Ok mate fair enough if you could give me first dibs that would be great! :) + whatever you can throw in with them would be much appreciated as I have a warped disc and nerfed pads (the seized piston mashed everything haha) I've got my wedding in 3 months so the mrs has control of what little disposable cash I had until after! haha trying to fix the scoob on a shoe string budget! (damn weddings! )
  3. Just asking the mrs if shes up for going japfest! Whats lowest you would take for them mate if I can persuade the boss? haha
  4. Ahh shame your so far!! I need some refurbished front callipers for my WRX 01, (stuck piston)!
  5. Sounds like seized pistons perhaps, how many miles has it done?
  6. Its strange as it doesnt always do it, It only grinds when I overly force it into second at quite high RPM (it doesn't engage in second it just makes horrible grind noise until RPM comes down, then I can pop it in) I tried going from 3rd to 2nd without taking clutch out and it popped out of 3rd easy but wouldnt go into 2nd until RPM slowed...
  7. Yea it did it since I had it, (all 3 weeks ago) haha
  8. " themanwithnoname" That was kind of a small minded thing to say, you judge me without even knowing me! What I was annoyed with is the fact that is "positive discrimination", which I really hate! If everything is supposed to be equal regardless of religion / colour / race then this positive discrimination sh*t should happen!
  9. Skint at the minute, had my car less than a month and already spent 1k trying to get stuff fixed haha, That will teach me for buying a 140k car I suppose, Now looks like will need another gearbox! yay!
  10. Just into second the crunch is, And it was at scoob clinic at the weekend for new clutch, fly, and gearbox seals (as it was leaking) So I assume they had to replace the oil then?
  11. haven't tried double de-clutching will try it! + It sometime does crunch when I try going into second at higher RPM,
  12. Hi all, Yet another question! :D When I pull off in first, and hoon it a little to the high RPM I struggle putting it into second, I have to let the RPM lower quite a bit before I can put it into second, Normal driving is fine, no problems... Is it just me driving it wrong and expecting too much from the gearbox? Cheers Ash
  13. Ridiculous this is, if they ordered them to NOT ware religious clothes for a day there would be uproar!
  14. Thanks for the reply mate, but I think its OK! it had clutch and fly done as well as new gearbox seal (as was leaking) How much u want for it dude?
  15. Ok cool, seems to have been looked after as has full Subaru service history, last one 5k miles ago, Will change her oils when I next get chance
  16. Thanks! + can you expand on " just keep on top of that bottom end" as I'm new to scoobs! haha
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