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    Dudley, West Midlands
  • Subaru Model
    Impreza WRX STi 330s

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  1. I used the pink OAT halfords coolant, I was recommended by another member... I changed it last weekend...
  2. There was an airlock, we got a load of air bubbles coming out of it when we truer to burp it... Think we sorted it... Went for a drive and was fine, still we stopped to have a look at everything and my dad opened the radiator cap whilst it was red hot... So it blew it's load everywhere, and we had to get just plain water from the country pub we pulled up at... So we burped it again... seems fine now, and there seems a lot more fluid in the pipes than when we first have them a squeeze (it seemed like mostly air, minimal fluids), but now the ratio of water and coolant will be way off so we are going to drop it and redo it all in the morning... I'm really hoping it doesn't come to that! but will certainly keep an eye out... hey, are you Kersh187 on Instagram?
  3. Same journey just now, and as soon as it was warm I was giving it some all the way here and everything is perfect... Temp gauge right in the middle where it should be... being a Subaru owner is a lot more stressful than I had imagined!
  4. Today I did my commute, only short 25 minutes drive... when I got home I noticed the temperature gauge was just about to go into the H section! Is this a problem? Or am I just paranoid? Could this be related to the previous heater problem? i love this car but it's stressing me out already!
  5. Looks awesome!
  6. In that case, maybe it's not low... I'll check again, thanks... I tell you what, I wouldn't get anywhere in life without forums!
  7. Ooooo... BARGAIN!
  8. Thanks! Very helpful... I'll try and see if I can locate some of this... If not I'll use what Aucky suggested... In in the meantime, should I just bring it over the low marker with plain water?
  9. I was already warned about this... I do drive very slow when I start out, funny sometimes because iv had people right up my backside wanting me to hurry up, then once the temperature is up... They are never to be seen again I read that I should only be using Subaru long life coolant... Which is blue apparently... Did you put it in? What brand is it?
  10. Coolant is just under the "low" marker... So I need to get that sorted, so which coolant is it I need? in there right now the coolant looks red ish, and I'm reading that it should be blue stuff in there... im so confused!
  11. Yes fully comp, and if you think £1331 was steep, you would have had a heart attack looking and the next few quotes I had! Good idea... I'm thinking smoked, would look real nice with the grey paint and grey wheels! how long have you had yours? Had any issues I should look out for?
  12. Ok ok ok... I'm not quite sure what's going on now... Today after waiting a while for the windscreen to clear and de-mist, the heat did start to come through and did get very warm... yesterday I only drove a very short distance then sat on my drive for 10 mins wondering why it wasn't warming... do you need to be driving a few mins for the engine to warm the heating system through? Yeah so I'm not 100% sure I even have an issue now, may just be me being impatient and lacking knowledge on such things...
  13. Yeah this is what I thought... I got 6 months warranty with it, but if it's a simple easy fix that would be better, as I'd have to travel to 1hr30 mins to Wrexham again and have more time off work... I suppose it may have to be done, I didn't pay that price for this car not to be perfect... I'm going to check the coolant levels when it's light out and go from there...
  14. Someone on Reddit said to check the coolant level may be low... if the levels are ok (I'll look tomorrow) then do I need and special apparatus or techniques to getting the air out?
  15. The answer is I don't know... I have only had it for 2 weeks, I couldn't say what has or hasn't been done previously... the air is still blowing when I turn to hot, but it's just staying the same temperature...
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