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Everything posted by akafonzie

  1. Sounds about right for a dealer, i had quite a lot of issues with mine which i also bought from a dealer. I went to a local specialist and had them give an opinion on some of the issues i was experiencing and then went back to the dealer, they did sort out the majority of things for me so i can't complain too much, but some of the things do come under wear and tear which they may or may not cover. These issues that were apparent prior to collection, if they weren't noted on the sales receipt, should be covered for replacement however.
  2. On the cards, more interested in a DA before pressure washer to be honest! With regards to oil for your car, have a look on opieoils. They have a recommended oil, discount and fast postage! Your knocking could be due to rear strut top mounts, seems to have been a common area of issue!
  3. Only £40?? In 8 washes you'll have broken even, and probably done a better job than the other hand washers! Be warned though, it's a slippery slope to spending a lot of money. I'm still building up my supplies/tools and i'm probably over £100. My car is clean though =/ I haven't done anything to the car per se, i've bought new springs and struts though so that'll be done soon!
  4. Best i've managed thus far on a PPP 05 wagon according to fuelio is 33.59, i think that's an anomaly though so i'll go with the runner up of 32.89. Not too bad really, but with fuel on the up again i've been driving with a feather-light right foot! Unless i get provoked, on closed roads of course.
  5. updated - 05/06/16
  6. @matt They're asking 250 for the complete set, and they're in pretty awesome condition from the looks of the photos. Going to look into the cost of fitting and alignment but i'd image another 150 or so, so £400 (ish) all in
  7. Hey, I have the opportunity to change the suspension on my 05 wagon for an inverted setup from a JDM sti (50mm?) and since the struts on mine are pretty rusty anyway, and i was considering changing it for some springs/struts, would this be a worthy upgrade?? I've read up on it a bit, and have seen that i may encounter - some negative camber issues on the rear, quite possibly some butt sag (ha!), and that it may be worth rebuilding the rears to counter any knocking issues. Does anyone have any experience with this, or can offer any advice? Thanks!
  8. Probably better off posting it in the classifieds wanted section rather than discussion on wheel choices!
  9. Thought i'd create a list of bits i'm after for the wagon, instead of individual posts. If you have something on here please contact me with price/pictures! Suspension - STI rear ARB, or an upgrade from the standard, uprated drop links Wheels - Mostly interested in Rota torque or equivalent, 17s preferably but could be swayed with other options Interior - Boost gauge, STI gauges, STI gaitor Engine - STI TMIC, STI Turbo, STI downpipe (think it fits) Trans - Short shifter kit MISC - Bits i'm most interested in at present would be the wheels. Thanks!
  10. I do too, my housemates & mrs take the **** out of how much i wash mine. They just don't understand!
  11. Ah nice, thanks for the links! I'm not really a fan of silver cars (having had one, not a scoob though) but jeez your paint looks amazing! Gratz.
  12. @aucky, ah fair enough. Yeah i'm a sucker for the dial swoop like the majority of motorcycles have, such a small thing but oh-so satisfying! Any particular paint to use? I see plastidip is rather popular nowadays but may just go for something matte grey, graphite sort of colour in regular paint!
  13. Looking good! Could you tell me what the lower grill you have is, and did you fit the lip spoiler? If so what one did you go for?
  14. Been hard at work! I think i'll be doing the center console spray job in the next few weeks since the silver has some dings from the previous owners BT install around the vents. Have you run into any issues with the binnacle change? Read up on it earlier on NASOIC and it seems a fair few people have either illumination dimmers that don't work, or issues with the rear diff/cruise control lights staying on! Also, did you code your miles over to the new one?
  15. Just out of interest, did the rota torques sell or did you decide to keep them?
  16. How much for the sti top mount?
  17. Jeez, that paint looks fecking beautiful. Is it still on the original coat?
  18. Ah fair enough, didn't think about that! Yeah, there are countless posts on various forums singing the praise of each method but i ended up speaking to a local specialist and they said burping shouldn't be necessary and just to follow the manual! Glad it worked out either way though. Ah ****, hopefully it isn't the case and there's just a leak somewhere, though i guess there would be evidence of that on the ground. I don't know if a HG failure would lead it to completely empty of coolant in one drive though, but then i'm no expert!
  19. They do look a lot better than the standard lights, without looking too ott which some often do! Thanks!
  20. Hmm, look interesting! Do you by any chance have a view from a bit further away, and a link to any info regarding what you've done? Cheers!
  21. I've been to Triton a couple of times, nothing but good opinions of them so far and the car is booked in to have a bearing replaced in a week or so! Although obviously this doesn't shed any light on Duncan himself...
  22. Have you checked the car manual?? There are many different methods of doing it but burping shouldn't be necessary so long as you don't have any air ingress anywhere, i cured my issues simply by following the directions in the car manual!
  23. Out of interest what mods have you done to the standard lights?
  24. Yeah i can do that, is payment by paypal okay?
  25. That looks pretty good! How much would you want for it posted bud?
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