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Everything posted by Will

  1. Hi I'm not looking to sell I'm just wondering what my plates roughly worth? I have done a check online and it was a lot lower than I expected (£100) which I can't personally believe so I'm wondering what Subaru fans would say it's worth, thanks S300BYW-SCOOBYW
  2. Haha yours is seriously big, I'm sure mines growing by the day...every time I look at the thing it's bigger so I'm seriously debating on lowering it slightly
  3. Hi do you still have the steering wheel?
  4. The oil light doesn't come at all it's just the pressure gauge dipping right down when the idle dips so I'm hoping the idle dipping is just the idle control valve or something which will stop the pressure dropping, I'm hoping it's not the heat problem causing the dipping etc but rather the other way round so the icv sorts it all out...I dunno but I'll find out Tuesday from the garage, it's going to Smd near me and they seem to deal with a lot of turbo cars and high powered drag cars plus the bloke running it has a scooby so should no the cars well
  5. @Piggysniffer basically when the car starts warming up and I come to a stop at traffic lights etc it'll dip well below 1000rpm which brings the oil pressure right down because obviously the engines about to cut out, it does dip when cold as well but because it's cold it's running just above 1000rpm so when it dips it's still at normal rpm but anyway I'm wondering if the problem with it getting hot in traffic (going over 90c) is down to it hunting at idle also I have done quite a lot of googling and come up with a list of things to check so hopefully next week it'll be all good as I'm hoping to put some more money into it and get the car looking mint and sort a few minor bits out so I'm confident to take it to shows and maybe a run to the Nurburgring some time soon :)
  6. @donnylad yer it is kicking in around 100c, when I start getting a bit of speed up for air flow it'll cool back down to 90c but again as soon as I hit traffic or slowish town driving it goes above 90c, I'm not sure weather I need to find a way of keeping it around 90c constantly or if there's something wrong causing it to go above that, maybe the idle dipping but not sure that would be the thing making it get hot?
  7. @donnylad I do like the 5 series, like the scooby as well mate it looks clean and I'd imagine your raring to get it on the road mines going in next Tuesday for a check over and to sort this idle problem out so fingers crossed it goes smoothly. She gets hot as well in traffic, goes to around 100 celcius on the oil temp gauge which worries me a bit just hope it's something simple as it runs nicely around 90 celcius but anymore and I can tell it's not liking it
  8. Thanks mate, what Bmw did you have? I had the e92 325 so only 218bhp so this thing is putting many more smiles on my face, I don't regret getting rid of mine as the turbo changes the game entirely also what's up with yours? Work being doing etc?
  9. He was quite gutted but he got my old Bmw and a bit of cash so I'm sure he's over it lol also I'll put a picture up of the dyno printout
  10. Thanks, funny enough my names Will so the W on the end of the plate actually means something now as well, I'm putting it into a garage near me and the guy there owns a scooby himself so hopefully he can get it sorted and knows the cars well, hoping it's just a dirty/faulty idle control valve or something as I have had so many cars in the past with a lumpy idle and it's drives me nuts, worries me for some reason especially with this car as the oil pressure gauge is going bananas on idle
  11. Hi I just purchased my first Subaru Impreza, always wanted one of these since a kid and finally went for it and traded my Bmw in for this beast, probably not some peoples cup of tea and is certainly a change from my usual choice of vehicle. it was originally a bugeye and as you can see it's had a lot of work done to it including loads of modifications and I'm absolutely loving it, first car I have owned with a turbo as well so getting a bit pedal happy and enjoying the flutter, now the turbo also whistles when I accelerate which I read can be a leak of some sort or can just be normal but what's leading me to think it's a leak is when I come to a stop it's hunting for idle and dips a few times then will sit around 1000rpm but while its dipping the oil pressure gauge is dropping well below 2, beeping and flashing red which I know is obviously a problem if your driving along normally but is this I problem I should worry about at idle which is causing the oil pressure to dip rather than and actual major problem causing it to drop? Again I'm totally new to subarus and turbos so I'd like to get know a bit more, also it's the 2001 2.0 litre engine....just thought as well could the idle hunting be caused by the idle control valve being dirty or something? Really hoping the rough idle is an easy fix, cheers
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