Gambit Posted February 11, 2013 Posted February 11, 2013 Ok I'm sure many of you will have watched Top Gear last night. But for the people who did not, they was talking about Subaru pulling out of selling more Subaru Impreza's in the UK. And then went on to refer to Subaru as a "yob's car". Thats fine does not bother me, as every Subaru owner I have seen drives well. Unless on a track from what I have seen of anyway. So seem's we are tarred and feathered with it. But out of intrest, who would you say is the worst/yobish drivers on the Road todayFor me it is alway's 96% of the time Audi driver's. Even my Missis see's it now I have pointed it out Look's like I'm not on my own
Jay762 Posted February 11, 2013 Posted February 11, 2013 hefty chortle I did see top gear but thought it was a little more tongue in cheek, top gear had said in the past all the pillocks were migrating from BMW 3 series to Audi's just done a You Tube search 'idiot audi driver' - there are a fair amount of results!
Gambit Posted February 11, 2013 Author Posted February 11, 2013 I've heard the phrase before about being a yob's car's Only problem is when Top Gear say's it, the smells sort of hard to remove And how funny you used those words to search on youtube. Their the exact same words i used I just didn't want to fill the forum up with all the video's I have said that myself before about BMW driver's now buying Audi's Don't get me wrong I still get the odd other driver, of other make car's wanting to get close enough to smell what aftershave I have on. But for me Audi's just top the list I could name 2 just yestarday when I was coming back from Tesco lol. And I really thought it was going to be the Evo 9 that was going to be the !Removed!. But ohhhh noooo! The Audi driver behind him wanted to show all of us how not to drive. So I made him have to stay behind me until he turned off
Gambit Posted February 26, 2013 Author Posted February 26, 2013 Following the horsemeat scandal, Audi have reassured customers their products still contain 100% c@nt. 5
Jhughes40723 Posted February 27, 2013 Posted February 27, 2013 I have just bought my scooby and a lot of people have said its a Chavs or yobs car! Anyone who has any idea about cars knows they are a fantastic machine, they may not be understated but if you have it flaunt it! A car is inanimate so can't be a yob however a yob can drive a car like a yob!!! I agree with Jay knob heads have now migrated from BMW to Audi! !Removed! day time running lights!
Gambit Posted February 27, 2013 Author Posted February 27, 2013 I have some on the Blobeye daytime running light's :D will get a picture for ya ;) I agree with your statment Anyone who has any idea about cars knows they are a fantastic machine, they may not be understated but if you have it flaunt it! A car is inanimate so can't be a yob however a yob can drive a car like a yob!!!
Jhughes40723 Posted February 28, 2013 Posted February 28, 2013 It annoys me Audi make good looking cars, although they are all looking the same now! Audi were the first car I remember seeing with daytime running lights? Would love to see a pic Gambit.
Jay762 Posted February 28, 2013 Posted February 28, 2013 It annoys me Audi make good looking cars, although they are all looking the same now! Audi were the first car I remember seeing with daytime running lights? I remember seeing volvo's having the side lights on as a daylight running light, used to constantly be flashed by other motorists who thought they had left them on by mistake
Gambit Posted March 1, 2013 Author Posted March 1, 2013 Will sort some out mate been busy as hell. Not been getting back until gone 10 then cooking dinner I've not had chance to get anything done(Anyone feel sorry for me yet) But will sort it over the weekend :D Not sure if it was Bmw with the Halo light's I 1st remember or Audi.
Mephiston2k Posted March 15, 2013 Posted March 15, 2013 Certainly Audi and VW drivers have become the twats of the road. Skoda's have not joined in with their behaviour yet I must admit. From owning a 330ci beemer for 6 months I can say that I became a twatty driver at times simply because I was forced too! People just will NOT let you out at junctions, give you space or be nice towards you on the road.... just because its a beemer?!?! Drove me mad as I often let people out and be courteous on the road too!
JPerrett Posted March 15, 2013 Posted March 15, 2013 For me is Knobs in Citroen saxo's, there always trying to race there little cars with there tiny little 1.6ltr engines of the lights. The thing is they only aspire to own a Subaru, but 9 times out of 10 they cant get insured! 1
Gambit Posted March 15, 2013 Author Posted March 15, 2013 Certainly Audi and VW drivers have become the twats of the road. Skoda's have not joined in with their behaviour yet I must admit. From owning a 330ci beemer for 6 months I can say that I became a twatty driver at times simply because I was forced too! People just will NOT let you out at junctions, give you space or be nice towards you on the road.... just because its a beemer?!?! Drove me mad as I often let people out and be courteous on the road too! Funny when I had the M3 I use to joke about being able to drive like a D&ck head because people expect it. And found just like with the Scooby people always force you to try and be a plonker on the road. But I've learned over time to just leave them to it, at the end of the day it's my fuel bill :) Not had any problems with Saxo's. But it did get the better of me a couple of time with a Corsa and a Punto at some lights was in my lane behind me moved over to the other lane next to me to try and pull off quicker. But I looked at that as I was showing them what they could have if the drive better :D And I did kill a Audi TT the other day who was riding my back bumper. Then drove past me like they was not even trying with a one finger salute. Mrs was not in the car she would have killed me :D
rubix Posted March 19, 2013 Posted March 19, 2013 Think this could relate in some ways to the old "OMG thats a chaves dog" eg Pitt bulls and staffs... Iv see bad drivers in all sorts of motors be it white van me (ME) right up to high end sports, we have all been di+ks in our cars at some point. so i dont think you can say "they have a +++++ car they must be a chav...... However saying that i do about 1000 miles a week in my van around devon and cornwall and iv noticed around the back roads its the small cars (CORSA and the like) that drive like nutters and on the duels and motoroways BMWs and Audi
Gambit Posted March 19, 2013 Author Posted March 19, 2013 I live in the Countryside So do a lot of driving on side roads A roads and around town 90% for me are Audi drivers, not so much BMW drivers. But a guy I know who drives a scoob and is a lorry driver said BMW drivers for him also. But he lives in town. And with the Pitt bull thing I do see a lot of young drunken drugged up men walking them around :D And maybe it's me. But when did wearing shoe's become fashion to wear with tracksuit bottoms
Jay762 Posted March 19, 2013 Posted March 19, 2013 And maybe it's me. But when did wearing shoe's become fashion to wear with tracksuit bottoms Classy - smart yet casual
Gambit Posted March 19, 2013 Author Posted March 19, 2013 Hahaha your right they can go to court and still look cool. All makes sense now :)
Gambit Posted March 24, 2013 Author Posted March 24, 2013 Is it a bird?... Is it a plane?... No it's an Audi driver And the Irony that he hits a BMW before the house :D 1
Gambit Posted September 28, 2013 Author Posted September 28, 2013 I found this funny. Does nothing towards my road rage towards 96% of Audi drivers but oh well :D Carol M. got in touch. She says: "This !Removed! thought it was a good idea to overtake me and gain two seconds while I was pulled over for an ambulance. Ultimate tool!"Inspired by Carol's message, we felt compelled to invent a new term: "Git Piping"."Git Piping" is when an Audi driver (the Git) tries to aggressively insert his tw*t tank ever deeper into a column of vehicles (the Pipe).So next time you're sat in slowly-moving traffic and an Audi driver tries to barge his way ahead of you, shout: "Git Piper! Stop Git Piping!" AUDI: Another Useless !Removed! Inside
Scooby Pete Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 I understand where TG were coming from, for a while it seemed the the scoob was the choice car of the boy racers making the progress from the Saxos and 106's taking over from the Ford Escort RS turbos. If they could get insured that is. Most had loud exhausts and dump valves and were driven to make use of them. Now thankfully they all seem to be going down the Honda civic type R route. Having said that I have noticed that in my area west London (Heathrow) the classic scooby seems to be pretty popular with young Asian's. Where as the latter Blob Hawk and shark eye seem to be 30+ white people. Still see a few mums in wagons of all styles, and the odd foz which again are 30+ white. On the whole most people seem to like scoobs, I get comments fairly regularly like nice car ect when out in mine. Don't seem to get hassled by Beemers or Audis as the hatch is pretty stealthy compared to a Blue saloon :) Wouldn't say they ever were yobs. Too expensive to insure for anyone under 30. Unless daddy pays for it. Just cars owned by enthusiasts who drove the cars in the spirt of Colin and Richard, ok that may have sideways every now and then but that's what the cars are about, not motorway rep cars. 1
Bouncer Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 I would agree with the chav rep, but at the same, when I see them now, they're usually driven sensible, I'm a bit self conscious/paranoid in the wrx because of the exhaust and the 'wrx' sticker on the tailgate, I've also got s Forge dump, but I deliberately stay out boost so it doesn't hiss, especially through main st's....must be my age. Chavy car....yep
Gambit Posted September 28, 2013 Author Posted September 28, 2013 You're just old bouncer ;) Another 5 years you will have a Toyota Prius Eco :D I have started to notice and increase of Mazda 3 and 6's car's driving like nob's though but still Audi's from A6 and all in the middle down to A1 cars. Had a guy who lives near me in his Audi RS6 make another car crash just outside my house about 2 weeks ago. !Removed! is still driving round like he's stole it and he's in his 50's
Bouncer Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 You're just old bouncer ;) Another 5 years you will have a Toyota Prius Eco :D Lol....don't know about the Prius, but I've still got the 306 hdi...yep, think I am old :) 1
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