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Advice on 1st Car


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Hey Everyone,


I have just today signed up for this forum and I am looking for some opinions about the 1st car I would like to get. I have been wanting a Impreza ever since I was around 5. Currently, I am 15 (Yup, I know I still have 2 years until I can start doing my driver license) and I am wondering if a 2.0 Impreza WRX 2005 is a good 1st car? By the time I am going to buy the car, I will have probably around 90% of the money required to purchase the car. Hopefully my parents can fund me with the rest that I will need. (if not I guess I'll have to find an extra job during the holidays). Please do not discuss the money factor, just the car, the reliability and factors like that.

So, Do you guys think a 2.0L WRX 2005 is a reasonable 1st car.

I know many of you might say, a teen cannot handle the power of a WRX, but you can trust me that I am not one of them teens that will red line the sh** out of their car, just to impress their friends.


Can't wait for your guys' feedback. 

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Welcome to the club. I'd have been dead chuffed with an impreza as a first car. My partner has an 1800 non turbo classic and she is still on L plates. Although we are slightly older.

As a first car it may be quite large and daunting when it comes to tighter corners on any parking manoeuvre. Have you checked the insurance on a wrx? That will be your biggest hurdle. You could consider a gx/sport(not sure what they're called on blobs) scoop and spoiler and it'd look the same.

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Good cars and reliable along as you look after them. Mines on 124k with 400bhp but has had lots of work done to it and was vary well maintained...but like ghost said insurance will be a issue at 17. heck your looking at 5k a year probably but if you can afford it go for it

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Welcome to the club. I'd have been dead chuffed with an impreza as a first car. My partner has an 1800 non turbo classic and she is still on L plates. Although we are slightly older.

As a first car it may be quite large and daunting when it comes to tighter corners on any parking manoeuvre. Have you checked the insurance on a wrx? That will be your biggest hurdle. You could consider a gx/sport(not sure what they're called on blobs) scoop and spoiler and it'd look the same.

Unfortunately, insurance is the only thing that I have not researched and that's the thing that I am most worried about, as you said, It's probably going to be my biggest hurdle. As for having a hood scoop and a spoiler, I don't really care about it too much, I just love the overall look of the blobeyes. Honestly, I think the WRX looks better without the rear spoiler.

The size of the car doesn't really matter for me that much, my dad has let me park and drive our 14' S-Max and that is quite a big car, I didn't really have any problems with that but I'll also take that into account.  

So, the only thing that I will have to look @ is the insurance prices for a young driver.


Thanks for the advice, ScoobyGhost.

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Good cars and reliable along as you look after them. Mines on 124k with 400bhp but has had lots of work done to it and was vary well maintained...but like ghost said insurance will be a issue at 17. heck your looking at 5k a year probably but if you can afford it go for it


5k a year? Is it really that bad for a new driver? I was hoping at around 2k top. I'll research more into this.

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insurance company's don't much like the idea of a 17 year old driving a impreza wrx as my mates Bro is 19 and only just passed and they quoted a fair few thousand for a wrx blob. ..best get some sample quots

Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk

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Insurance company's don't much like the idea of a 17 year old driving a impreza wrx as my mates Bro is 19 and only just passed and they quoted a fair few thousand for a wrx blob. ..best get some sample quots

Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk


I can definitely understand that. Looking at some of the people that attend my high school, I would sh** myself being in their car.

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My sister just got a 1100 micra and that cost 1400/year as a new young driver. I dread to imagine the cost of a wrx.

1.2L I'm guessing, and that is going to be one of the lowest insurance categories, 2L Is gonna cost a lot more :(

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Are you looking at in import ?

Even more to insure ! [emoji35]

What exactly are you after info wise ?

What are the differences in them, I heard that the JDM one had a fully forged engine ?

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All depends, i'm not to sure on newage cars but jap imports always used to come with higher specs better equipment in cabin,

I doubt the jdm wrx's will be forged normally just sti's that get goodness like that, they used to come with more power, mine for instance has a bigger turbo than the eudm foresters.

So it could be bigger turbo/ injestors different cams etc maybe 05's will be a twin scroll not to sure.

Basically the insurance companies see it's an import and ads some on for

A, different specs/more power

B, availability of spares & repair items, even though this is ****** as mine is identical in every way build wise to eudm cars so I can order just about anything from dealer or online and it will fit.

C, because every one adds jdm tax, no matter what it is

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