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So it appears a head gasket has gone on my 2003 WRX. I've refilled the expansion tank 3 times in about 3 weeks. Checked under the car thoroughly for leaks this evening but nothing found :sad:. I plan to do the repair myself and as quickly as possible.

My questions to you clever people are:- Is there a way to tell which head gasket is leaking? And apart from a gasket set, is there anything else I need to buy is advance? I'm not sure about head bolts!

Thanks in advance


Boo, sorey to hear the bad news Doesn't matter which one is leaking best to do the pair and get the heads measured &skimmed accordingly, i'd also see if there's any little bits you wnat to do while it's apart, checking the valves etc, new plugs if they are due a change in the next year, i'd buy new bolts but that's just me,

Sure someone who speaks more sense than me will come along in a bit


OK Stants thanks. I've been looking at parts on the web. Looks a bit of a mine field. So many different makes. I usually stick to genuine but are any of these upgraded gaskets actually better than the standard? Also I see there are different thicknesses available. How do I know whether I need a 0.6, 1.3 or 1.6mm? Cheers.


I guess it depends how much needs skimming off the head in relation to the thickness of the gasket to maintain correct compression ratio,

I'd go for a multi layer gasket type, @savagebulldogs is your man for a more in depth answer


I did some more investigating on the car at the weekend. There is no sign of oil in the water and no sign of water in the oil. All the spark plugs look fine. In actual fact it looks like the car is running lean because the insulators were all bright white (is there anything I can do about that?). Compression on all 4 cylinders is between 150 and 160 PSI cold with WOT. I also bought a block tested which indicated no exhaust gas in the coolant. So I'm pretty sure now, I don't have a leaking head gasket. I'll keep an eye on it for a few days. Maybe I'm only loosing water when the engine is cold! Maybe it's the heater matrix??

Any ideas greatfully received.


Sorry to jump on your post but had the same thing before engine died :/ no overheating, big end went..... Couldn't find cause of water leak at all. Currently having an engine put in it..... Guessing this issue may still be there when get the car back if it's the matrix that's the issue?!

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Hi Boz,

How many miles has the car done?


:ohmy: That's not a lot for a big end. Has it got full service history?


It has the stamps. Had a service and big end went 15 mile down road day after

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Check the ends of the rad for cracks around the plastic sections, they have a nasty habit of cracking and leaking.


Also does it make any difference if you potter around for a bit or give it the hard right foot?


No not really, only thing I've noticed is sound of flushing water inside the pipes when first turn the car on?

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No not really, only thing I've noticed is sound of flushing water inside the pipes when first turn the car on?

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If you can't find a leak , buy a block tester. £25 on eBay. It tests for exhaust gas in the coolant. There's a video on YouTube of how to use it on a Scuby.

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Hey Boz, was there any sign of water in the oil?

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None what so ever at service, mechanic said there was no water whatsoever and he put 4 litres of coolant in, heater was working perfect so can't believe there was "no" water there. He was trying to say it was the head but again no oil in water or water in oil. That engine is out now and new one being put in anyway. Just don't wanna have a water leak again when get it back :/ will get garage to check ends of the rad and see if there anything obvious when engine out

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Head gasket can fail a few different ways. Most common on the flat four engine is when the gasket fails allowing exhaust gases into the coolant.


What and the water just escape through the overflow in the header tank?

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Yes the gases force the water out of the overflow. The telltale signs are bubbles in the overflow(there should be no air in the coolant) and a sniff test will confirm the presence of exhaust gases.


Did the good old sniff test couldn't smell a thing. It's really strange. Especially for garage to say was no water when heater was still working perfectly. Will check all parts that still remain when new engine in and keep a close eye on it. Also find someone to strip old engine down see how many problems it had

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you do realise sniff test uses a chemical to test the water? way that reds you just shoved your nose near it lol


Haha so it does.... Nah the garage did it when there for service but still thought was head gone that was causing water usage

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