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Hi guys and gals 


Just wanted to say sorry first of all for not posting as much. Had few bad months from about February really. And I was unaware of how difficult things was about to get which has taken its toll on me slowly. Never helps as I have what I call a busy head that it never stops 😊 but I've just not felt like doing much past few weeks why I get things sorted. But never wanting to end on bad news think starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel again so should be more active again. :yahoo:



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Stay strong pal and I'm sure things will ease off eventually, and you'll probably see the benefits of your hard work (busyness)

I too am a very busy man and never seem to stop so I can sympathise with you.

All the best anyway

Smudger's iphone

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!Removed! ell - me turning up obviously didn't help matters :biggrin:

Hang in there buddy - you still have more likes than anyone on the forum so no worries there

Take it easy matey and all the best!!

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Cheers chaps. @Jay762 not at all mate as said before more than welcome here anytime but the stopping up until 3 in the morning smashing in the vodka and needing to be up early wasn't best plan so more planning needed next time :yahoo:


But one thing I need to know how did you escape the dungeon? Luckily the other's didn't follow :laugh:

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