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So come to change the fuel filter on my Impreza yesterday the one in the engine bay and now it won't start I have a fuel pressure reg which is holding pressure as normal no leaks at all have over half a tank of fuel and just put new spark plugs as the other ones were full of fuel so thought it had flooded its self still no joy please any ideas would be great as only have couple days then meant to be going on holiday in it thanks



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Nope all lights come on but then go off when start turning over as normal but engine won't fire



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Because of the fuel on the plugs, Do you smell fuel in the exhaust after cranking?


Can't remember if there is a fuel pump fuse, maybe pull the fuse out, crank for 10 seconds, wait a couple of minutes then put the fuse back in and try?

There wasn't a fuse in my girlfriends old micra I think, so we just ended up towing it with key in/ignition off (make sure steering lock doesn't come on!) to clear it of fuel, then basically just doing a bump start by turning the key to ignition lights (not the starter motor position!)




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I haven't noticed the smell of fuel from exhaust but will check in the morning as out work now it seems like it keeps flooding its self as when I took the new spark plugs back out there was fuel on them checked the spark plugs and I am getting spark so can't understand it did think about jump starting as I live on a hill but if it don't work I'll be stuck at the bottom



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Have you checked that you haven't reconnected the fuel lines the wrong way round on the filter? Simple mistake that is easily done



Is it a single coil pack verison (1 on the inlet v3 to v6) if so ht leads on right ?



or 4 coil packs, 1 on top of each plug (v1 v2) . Are Front and rear right on each bank ?


Try putting the old filter back in ?


Yh the filer is the right way I've checked 3 times after seeing how many people have put it in wrong way lol and it's coil on plug there all in the right way checked that aswell running out of ides now thought it was going to be a easy job every time I do anything to my fuel system it seems to flood its self and can't figure out why



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Vac line to the fpr ok ?


Tps and temp sensor plugs ok ?



Could try disconnecting the crank sensor and turning it over a few times then reconnect ,reset the ecu and try again .


Or leave the plugs out for a hour ,dry them off and try again .


Id imagine you'd smell fuel if you kept turning it over and it wasn't firing .


Id imagine you'd get a few pops if it was fueling ok but firing in the wrong order when turning over .


How did you check for spark and did you check all cylinders ?


Vac lines and fpr are ok and tps and temp sensor haven't been touched I did take the idle control valve off tonight clean and refit with new gasket as it has been abit all over the place on idle still no joy I do get strong smell of fuel when cranking haven't had any pops it's not even tried to start I've left all plugs out at the mo to let it dry out I have a alcatek ecu can they be reset?



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Never owned alcatek but id imagine disconnecting the earth for 10 mins would work .

Has it got duel map function ?


If so could it be on the wrong map after disconnecting the Battery or depressing the throttle in neutral (thats how my old esl used to switch maps) .


I plugged the front n rear coilpacks in back to front on 1 bank before it turned over and popped n banged . As the correct firing bank ignites the unburnt fuel in the headders .


Inlet manifold earth ok its normally located near where the fuel filter pipes connect to the fuel hard lines


Haven't got switchable maps yet I did remove the Battery yesterday as it started to die from cranking it so should have reset it while it was out and my fuel lines don't go near that earth anymore as I've got parallel fuel line going so start on it again in about an hour hopefully today is the day it runs again I almost got them the wrong way round awhile ago so put labels on them :) could there be air in the fuel system and if so how would I get it out or does it bleed its self?



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Cant say ive ever had a issue with air in the lines and ive had a few engines in and out and at least 6 manifolds off . I do always pop the crank sensor off (so it doesn't fire) and turn it over a few times before initial start up though .

Maybe ask your mapper if disconnecting the Battery would switch maps (probably would) .if so it could be trying to run on map 1 and hes mapped map 2 for your set up ?


I could ask him if he was easier to get hold of by time I get a reply it will be sorted lol every time I've removed Battery in the past it's been fine I will try taking the crank sensor off see if that helps I've had engines in and out a number of times and never had this problem I think it is to do with the map I've got a feeling it puts to much fuel in on cold start as I run maffless I've never had a car flood and not start as much as this one



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Yh they were all mapped in only thing that has changed since the map 6 months ago is the fuel filter



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Sounds like the cold start could be the issue as I've had a few friends that run mafless have the same issue . As by the time the mapper has done a base map and got it running right its to hot to do the cold start ,so they have to guess a bit as there's no maf .


Have you fitted a intake temp sensor ? As they help with fuel trim when running mafless


Since having it mapped when I start it cold it idles around 1500 but once warm it's fine so just been living with it till got a few more things done then get it tweaked but whenever I do anything to it it does this then it's a right pain to get it started once it starts it's fine until I change something lol and no I haven't fitted one yet it is on the list of thing after I get back from holiday along with a air fuel gauge :)

Does it sound right to you the cold start is chucking in too much fuel which floods it I've just never known it be so hard to start which makes me think there is another problem but everything is fine and it ran fine should have just left it alone lol



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A friends p1 did exactly the same after a plug change ,he took them out dried them with a blow torch and and it fired on the button . Had to leave the car overnight with the mapper so he could adjust the cold start .


You could try a tow start (like someone suggested earlier) this might get the initial start up and burn the fuel in the bores


I've left them out for a couple hours again going to put them back in soon on the plus side It only takes 10mins to get the plugs in and out now if it don't work will try a bump start tonight



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Strangely enough my mrs just phoned saying scoob wont start and just keeps turning over...... hope yours starts , cos i aint posting on this jinxed thread again lol


I've still had no luck put the plugs back in put blow torch on them before to clear any crap off them and nothing just turning over think I will wait till later and try bump start it down the road as I live on a main road there is a strong smell of fuel from the exhaust



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Hope you have better luck with your car and it's easier fix then mine



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I had an issue on my old scoob. The fmic pipework came apart, car cough spluttered and black smoked the 1/2 mile back home and then wouldn't start again. I disconnected the fuel pump and kept cranking. Eventually it fired up and wasn't anymore issues after getting back on.




Could the engine be flooded?

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